Aluminum Tuning Fork for Sound Healing
Aluminum Tuning Fork for Sound Healing
Aluminum Tuning Fork for Sound Healing
Aluminum Tuning Fork for Sound Healing

Aluminum Tuning Fork for Sound Healing


For use in energy decline, feeling weak, uneasy, or the need to eliminate stress, reduce pain, but also for conducting careful meditation, sound healing, reiki, or yoga.

Helpful in the cleansing of the aura and to help raise vibrational energy. 

Low frequency tuning fork.
Accurate tuning fork frequency.
OM corresponding chakra is the heart chakra. Its vibration frequency and location of the heart chakra, two points Ren and dovetail points of the vibration frequency of the same, after knocking vibration when used in contact with the heart chakra location, you can feel the resonance.

Size: 7 In
Average: -130dBm - -150dBm