Crystal Properties

Please read the crystal properties statements at foot of page before choosing a crystal.
Grounding stones – helping emotional, physical and intellectual balance.
Soothing, calming, slowly bringing great strength.
Facilitates acceptance of one’s self.
Improves concentration, perception, and analytical abilities, leading to practical solutions.
Heals inner anger, useful for any emotional trauma.
Slow acting but long lasting.
Chakras: according to colours
Zodiac Signs: Gemini
Agate Banded Black
Stamina, Grounding, Love
Banded Agate is a healing stone for body, mind and spirit. It can increase concentration, honesty and memory.
Helpful in overcoming negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras.
Eyes, Stomach, Uterus, cleanses Lymphatic system & Pancreas, Skin disorders, Relieves Gastritis.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac Signs: Libra, Capricorn.
Agate Banded Red
Stamina, Grounding, Love
Banded Agate is a healing stone for body, mind and spirit. It can increase concentration, honesty and memory.
Helpful in overcoming negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras.
Eyes, Stomach, Uterus, cleanses Lymphatic system & Pancreas, Skin disorders, Relieves Gastritis.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac Signs: Libra, Capricorn.
Agate Blue Lace
Communication, Stabilizing, Calming
It is both a grounding and spiritual stone, allowing one to bring their spiritual experiences into their everyday reality.
Promotes the acceptance of one’s emotions. This calming stone can help those who may be feeling depressed or worried, and is believed to bring peacefulness.
Blue Lace Agate is also used for dissolving repressive blocks that inhibit expression. Writers can use Blue Lace Agate to help with articulating inspired ideas. Also helps with public speaking.
Blue Lace Agate relieves insomnia, eases sore throats as well as tension headaches, and helps with high blood pressure.
Chakras: Throat, Brow
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Pisces
Agate Fire
Protection, Vitality, Spiritual Perfection
Fire Agate is a stone that enables you to feel safe and secure not just physically, but emotionally as well. This is a great stone for shy or fearful children to carry who may be bullied or harassed, giving them courage to speak up and/or stand up for themselves. It can give you courage and strengthen your will power, enabling you to complete those half-finished projects with gusto.
Fire Agates increase blood circulation and metabolic rate; reduce fevers as well as hot flashes, and enhance vision, especially at night.
Chakras: Base, Solar Plexus
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Agate Moss
Growth, nurturing, new beginnings.
Beneficial for agriculturists and botanists.
A birthing crystal – helps lessen pain and assists delivery.
In healing speeds up recovery, anti-inflammatory, cleanses circulatory and elimination systems, encouraging flow of lymph and boosts immune system. Helps with depression. Releases fear and deep seated stress.
Chakras: Heart and Crown
Zodiac Signs: Virgo
Agate Tree
Harmony, calming, removes blockages
Tree Agate is a stone of inner peace. Gentle Tree Agate calms nerves, and can be combined with Clear Quartz to deepen meditation and prayer. Tree Agate brings our focus to the oneness of us all, dissolving egoism and arrogance. Use Tree Agate to ease relationship problems with children.
Tree Agate boosts the immune system and regulates the balance of water in the body. Tree Agate helps to clear energy blockages in the Nadis (energy channels) to allow for a greater flow of this energy throughout the body. Tree Agate can help ailments of the nerves and blood capillaries, but is especially helpful to those with neuralgia. Relieves small bone, vein and capillary problems and obstructions in the body.
Chakras: Heart and Crown
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo
Expression, Balance, Inspiration
Amazonite is great for non-verbal expression. It is a good energy filter, blocking geopathic stress as well as electromagnetic pollution emitted from computers, microwaves, or cell phones. Amazonite soothes aggravation and emotional trauma, eases irritation, and calms all of the chakras.
Amazonite can assist with throat, sinus, Osteoporosis, calcium deficiency, muscle spasms relief, chest and lung issues.
Use Amazonite to help in maintaining overall health and a healthy lifestyle.
Amazonite is a “Stone of Success and Abundance”, attracting focus and good luck.
Chakras: Heart, Throat, Thymus, Brow
Zodiac Signs: Virgo
Clearing, Healing, Protective
Amber is not a crystal, it is a tree resin that solidified and became fossilized. Amber is at least 100,000 yrs old. If younger the resin is called Copal. (Amber from the Baltics and the Dominican Republic are 25 to 40 million years old!)
Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser, Amber draws out and transmutes negative energy of all kinds on all levels.
Amber aids in physical self-healing, emotional healing of depression, and environmental clearing. Amber opens and
cleanses all of the Chakras. Highly protective, Amber also aids in the manifestation of ideas to reality. It a good stone to use to prepare a healing or birthing room. Use Amber with the Solar Plexus Chakra to increase confidence, mental clarity, and creative self-expression. Amber helps with the organs of elimination, including the liver, kidneys, bladder, and stomach. It resonates with the Throat Chakra and can help with laryngitis and goiter. Amber encourages peacefulness and develops trust. It also promotes altruism and brings wisdom.
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Zodiac signs: Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Protection, Purification, Spirituality
Extremely powerful and protective stone.
A natural stress reliever, Amethyst can encourage inner strength.
Calming, brings focus, spiritual insights, enhances memory, and improves motivation. Amethyst also provides a wonderful peaceful energy for meditations.
Dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, supports coming to terms with loss. Helpful with stress, headaches, tension, hearing, lungs, skin, insomnia, addiction, alcoholism.
Chakras: Brow and Crown
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn
Amethyst Chevron
Strengthening, Stress relieving, Cleansing, Stimulates immune system.
Chevron Amethyst combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of Quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. This symbiotic combination of minerals lends itself to a wonderfully spiritual stone, which is great for gently removing the veils that obscure some of the hidden meanings in life.
Helps remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds. Also deepens the meditative state.
Chakras: Brow and Crown
Zodiac Signs: All
Intuition, Communication, Higher Self
Angelite is a very soothing, peaceful, and uplifting stone quite helpful during times of transition.
Angelite heals and clears the Throat, Brow, and Crown Chakra, and sends energy to the Soul Star Chakra that lies 6 inches above the head. The higher vibrations sent to these chakras allows for greater spiritual growth, enhanced intuition, and clearer communication. Angelite’s ability to unblock the upper chakras clears the area to allow for the influx of higher vibrational information coming into the auric field, to be processed by the lower chakras. Angelite can be used during meditation to enhance the meditative state, and to clarify issues in one’s current situations as they arise.
Helpful for throat, alleviating inflammation, balancing thyroid & the parathyroids, diuretic, weight control and sunburn.
Chakras: Throat, Brow, Crown
Zodiac Signs: Aquarius
Apache Tears
Forgiveness, Grounding, Protection
Apache Tears are the translucent variety of Black Obsidian. They are made of volcanic glass.
The Tears are said to help absorb the grief and release old hurts, and lift the spirits.
They allow you to forgive others without being bitter.
Apache Tears are said to protect one when travelling, especially at night. Place on your desk to
keep demanding co-workers at bay and guard against hostility. Apache Tears may help children who’ve been traumatized.
Generally, all Obsidian protects the wearer from hostility and negativity. It offers release from tension and enables
one to move forward in life, with a more promising outlook.
Obsidian often points to the root cause of an illness. It clears the blockages that cause disease.
Use Obsidian for detoxifying, alleviating bleeding, increasing blood circulation, and helping with the pain associated
with arthritis and other joint discomfort. Use Apache Tears to help with deficiencies of Vitamins D and C,
muscle spasms and knee discomfort.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Aries
Clarity, Spiritual Guidance, Self-Expression
Blue Apatite energetically acts as a hunger suppressant. Apatite also eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. It can cleanse the aura of cluttered energies, a good stone to help balance the chakras.
Apatite enhances manifestation of ideas to reality and facilitates getting results.
It enhances communication and self-expression on all levels, making this a great stone for teachers. Encourages openness and ease in social situations, a quality that makes it especially useful for autistic children. Can be used to deepen and maintain focus in meditation.
Apatite will focus healing energy on the body’s systems, glands, meridians and organs. Helps healing bones, arthritis and joint problems, aids absorption of calcium and helpful for hypertension.
Chakras: Throat, Brow
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra
Intuition, Visions, Spiritual/Divine Connection
Apophyllite activate the Brow and Crown Chakras, making them more receptive to spiritual energies. This can enable one to receive visions and insights. It helps promote structure and organization in daily life and to plan for the future with certainty, despite any negative past experiences.
Apophyllite can regulate bodily functions, improve memory, aid in treating allergies and asthma. Hold an Apophyllite when needing to reduce stress, anxiety, fear and worry. It has a calming effect.
Apophyllite assists Reiki healing it facilitates taking the patient into a deeper state of relaxation and receptivity whilst taking the healer out of the way, so that the transmission of healing energy is purer.
Apophyllite works on the respiratory system, can alleviate an asthma attack. Will rejuvenate the eyes when placed upon them.
Chakras: Brow, Crown, Higher Crown
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra
Protective, Communication, Calming
Aquamarine is a stone of courage and protection. Calms fears and phobias.
Aquamarine can aid in the assimilation of new knowledge, making it a great crystal for students of all kinds. It helps promote tolerance, overcoming judgementalism, encouraging self-responsibility and the breakdown of old self-defeating programs. A wonderful stone for meditation, invoking spiritual awareness and encourages service to humanity.
Aquamarine is useful for sore throats, swollen glands and thyroid problems. It harmonises the pituitary and thyroid, regulating hormones and growth. It strengthens the body’s cleansing organs and aids the eye, jaw, teeth and stomach. It calms over reactions of the immune system and autoimmune diseases such as hay fever.
Aquamarine can be used to align all of the chakras and enhance the aura.
Chakras: Heart, Thymus, Throat, Brow
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Pisces, Aries
Grounding, Centring, Stabilizing
Aragonite can be used for clearing blockages of energy in ley lines and for healing geopathic stress.
Aragonite acts as a stabilizing stone, and can be helpful for those who have focused solely on spiritual pursuits to the exclusion of other necessary tasks. Assisting those who need to release issues from the past as well as attachments in the present. Aragonite promotes focus and concentration, and can be helpful for students. Meditating with Aragonite can help to ground spiritual growth into the lower chakras, raising the overall vibration of the body.
Aragonite calms, centres, stabilizes and increases the ability to remain patient, even in the most challenging of circumstances. It will enhance and encourage sensitivity and generosity. Aragonite can be an aid for those who lack discipline and self-control, and can help one to overcome stagnation in their personal growth.
Aragonite can help to speed up the recovery from broken bones and nerve damage. Aragonite helps relieve stress and nerve problems that may lead to restlessness, twitching or spasms, and treat Reynaud’s Disease. Aragonite can also be used to enhance the absorption of calcium throughout the skeletal structure and to ameliorate pain and chills.
Aragonite under the pillow relieves insomnia, or carry in your pocket for continuous grounding influence throughout the day.
Chakras: Base, Sacral, Crown
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn
Visualization, Emotional Healing
Atlantisite is a combination of Green Serpentine and Stichtite. It is a stone used for protecting your well being,
preserving your beliefs, and calming your spirit. It may be used to for Kundalini activation and clearing
blocked energy centres. Atlantisite has been used to end disputes, for Spiritual awareness, and to understand the concept and energies of love. Atlantisite is used in crystal healing for heart, lungs and muscular issues. Such as cramps, menstrual cramping and hernias. Also for glucose control in metabolic disorders such as diabetes and hypoglycemia. It is known as a general crystal healing stone. Atlantisite is said to resonate with and link the energies of the Crown and Heart chakras.
Chakras: All
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Scorpio, Virgo
Aventurine Green
Healing, Abundance, Growth
Green Aventurine comforts, harmonizes, protects the heart, and can help attract love later in life. It is one of the premier stones to attract luck, abundance and success. Good for working through unresolved emotional issues.
Green Aventurine facilitates learning about oneself and one’s place in the universe.
Green Aventurine is an all-around healing stone with benefits for the lungs, liver, sinuses, and heart. Used to loosen and release negativity and energy blockages, including disease. Alleviates stress, migraine/headaches. Strengthens eyes.
Chakras: Heart
Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Taurus
Aventurine Red
Creativity, Balance, Prosperity
Red Aventurine enhances creativity and motivation. It also is a stone of prosperity. It can help to diffuse negativity and balance the male-female energies. Red Aventurine is a stone of encouragement, helping to open our eyes and minds to new alternatives and possibilities.
Red Aventurine helps to balance blood pressure. It is a genital and reproductive healer, many times assisting in reversal of diseased states in these areas.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Aventurine White
Clarity, Self-Reflection, Recognition
White Aventurine is a mirror to the soul. The Mica inclusions add a unique energy as they “provide reflective qualities so that one can recognize the flaws of humanity and can remain in a heart space to continue to love this same humanity.” White Aventurine is used to facilitate clarity in visions. It facilitates self-reflection.
Chakras: All
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Communication, Intuition, Guidance
Azurite has been called the “Stone of Heaven” that aids in the “pursuit of the heavenly self”.
Azurite is a stone which works with the Brow Chackra, helping one to recognize intuition and spiritual guidance when it occurs. Helpful in relieving worries, phobias, and nagging negative thoughts, Azurite also helps one to recognize the areas in life needing attention. Azurite infuses intellectual logic with love, fostering compassion for oneself and others. Azurite encourages communication from the heart and heightens awareness of Spiritual communication. Azurite can help dissolve energy blockages and communication blockages. Azurite calms and relieves mental stress.
It is useful in meditation to clear the mind, promote deep introspection and visualization, and allow clear recognition of intuitive messages that are received.
Chakras: Throat, Brow, Crown
Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Sagittarius
Detoxifying, Healing, Grounding
Bloodstone is a powerful healing stone used for thousands of years for its healing properties. It is often used to purify and detoxify the body. Great at grounding negative energy and cleansing the body. Bloodstone assists in enhancing the functions of the mind, bringing clarity and understanding. Bloodstone is an energy cleanser, purifying the blood and detoxifying the liver, kidneys and spleen. It benefits all blood rich organs and regulates blood flow. Bloodstone cleanses lower chakras, realigning the energies.
Chakras: Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Libra, Pisces
Protective, Grounding, Harmony
Bronzite is a form of Enstatite and, because of its mosaic patterns, has a tendency to combine different points of view into a more comprehensible whole. Bronzite can alleviate the nervous anxiety that comes from new situations.
A grounding stone, Bronzite also instills a sense of “stillness”, allowing you to be more objective, seeing the bigger picture, and making a more informed decision. Bronzite also enhances creativity and forward-thinking. It can also dispel negative energy, especially for those under “psychic attack”, sending the negativity back to its sender. Bronzite eases stress, warms the extremities, helps with digestion, and supports healthy kidney function.
It also balances the body’s pH balance and enhances the assimilation of iron.
Chakras: All
Zodiac Signs: Leo
Calcite Amber
Amplifies, Balances, Supports
Amber Calcite (also called Honey Calcite) helps one to relax into life and create a state of allowing. Supportive Amber Calcite eases the challenges that sometimes come with change and creates balance between the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. Amber Calcite can enhance the will, bringing extra motivation when needed for long-term projects and goals. Amber Calcite has a gentle and loving energy vibration that can calm the over-anxious mind to help with meditation and sleep. Meditating with Amber Calcite can help those who are working to change persistent thoughts or beliefs about scarcity.
Amber Calcite supports a healthy immune system, and when worked with consistently, can help to counteract effects of immune deficiency viruses or immune- suppressive medications.
Chakras: Crown, Solar Plexus, Sacral
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Cancer, Leo
Calcite Blue
Soothing, Emotional Release, Communication
A gentle stone to use when recuperating, Blue Calcite facilitates physical healing by clearing negative emotions and encouraging rest and relaxation. Blue Calcite can also work as a natural sedative after an emotional trauma, such as the death of a loved one.
Facilitates calm communication. Aids memory and learning, and helps students retain their lessons. Meditating with Blue Calcite can promote an optimistic point of view. Blue Calcite lowers blood pressure and may help to dissolve pain on all levels. Gently soothing the nerves and lifting anxieties, Blue Calcite releases negative emotions.
Chakras: Brow, Throat
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Cancer
Calcite Brown
Inner Peace, Cleansing, Motivation
Brown Calcite helps to break old outdated thought patterns enabling one to move forward with new ideas. Golden Brown Calcite protects one from negative energy and brings about a sense of peace. It is also used as a prosperity stone.
Calcite heightens mental discernment and analysis, increases memory and learning abilities. Calcite is a good stone for students and academics, and can be indispensable at helping students to retain their lessons. Calcite is also useful during times of mental adjustments and disagreements. Calcite can show you a new way to look at a situation, easing you away from old outdated thought patterns that may be in the way of new ideas. The simplest forms of Calcite are pure white, but the presence of other compounds during formation can create beautiful coloured Calcite.
All Calcites allow for the absorption of calcium into the body, and therefore are beneficial for those who suffer from bone and joint disorders, such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Golden Brown Calcite also balances the metabolism and enhances vitality.
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Scorpio
Calcite Clear
Amplifies, Cleanses, Healing
Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. The purifying energy of Calcite cleans out stored negative energy from a room, the body, etc. Use Calcite to remove old energy patterns and to increase personal motivation and drive. Calcite is also a good choice for distance healing work, because it amplifies the energy being sent.
Calcite is known as the “Stone of the Mind”, heightening mental discernment and analysis, and increasing memory and learning abilities. Calcite is THE stone for students and academics. Calcite is also useful during times of mental adjustments and disagreements. Calcite can show you a new way to look at a situation, easing you away from old, outdated thought patterns that may be in the way of new ideas. Calcite has been associated with the bones and joints, and balances the amount of calcium in the body. Calcite can also help to improve the body’s absorption of important vitamins and minerals.
Chakras: All
Zodiac Signs: Cancer
Calcite Green
Emotional Balance, Release, Healing
Green Calcite facilitates emotional and mental balance. Cleanses energy channels and chakras. Green Calcite helps to dissolve old energy patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back. It assists during times of mental change or big transitions. Green Calcite stimulates the immune system and is useful for bone, ligament, and joint issues.
Chakras: Heart
Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Cancer
Calcite Mangano
Universal Love, Compassion, Healing
Mangano Calcite, is a stone of peace and well-being. Mangano Calcite can attract new opportunities to learn the concept of Universal Love, by enhancing the flow of energy from the Crown Chakra down into the Heart Chakra.
Mangano Calcite can help healers and counsellors forge a strong, energetic bond with a patient, helping the healing
vibrations to travel to the right location on the client. Mangano Calcite can be very calming when held in the hand
during meditation or energy work. Mangano Calcite is a stone that can be used in order to boost self-confidence and self-esteem as well as enhance compassion toward others. It is also beneficial for those enduring any type of emotional trauma, including abuse, the death of someone close or a break-up. Those who suppress their emotions will benefit from Mangano Calcite’s ability to root out deep-seated causes for acknowledgement and release. Clearing the nadis (energy channels) and enhancing the flow of energy between the Crown and Heart Chakras, Mangano Calcite can help to clear the emotional centre of stagnant or negative energies, making room for new experiences of Divine Love. Mangano Calcite is extremely helpful for long distance healers.
Chakras: Heart
Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Libra, Cancer
Calcite Orange
Creativity, Joy, Energizing
Orange Calcite helps integrate the spiritual realm with the physical body, enhances creativity, and is helpful when working with emotional issues. Use Orange Calcite to energize and cleanse the lower chakras. Orange Calcite works especially well with the Sacral Chakra to enhance the will and remove depression. Meditating with Orange Calcite can bring insights into the causes of apathy or lethargy, allowing one to take back control over one’s life. Orange Calcite’s vital energy can serve as a catalyst for the release of past traumas that have been holding you back, allowing for optimism and joy to come in.
Orange Calcite helps with IBS, urinary tract disorders; liver, spleen and kidney function; incontinence; sexual dysfunction, and chronic fatigue.
Chakras: Base, Sacral
Zodiac Signs: Leo, Cancer
Calcite Orchid
Balancing, Confidence, Motivation
Orchid calcite is a very positive crystal often recommended for anxiety and depression. It is believed to balance the emotions, energise the spirit and help us achieve our potential. Orchid calcite is used to heal the reproductive system, helps to ease menstrual discomfort and reduce inflammation. Helps body to absorb vitamins from food and drink.
Orchid Calcite is refreshing to the mind, body and spirit. It is a stone that encourages one to take steps forward instead of backwards, helping to raise confidence and courage. Orchid Calcite raises energy levels and improves motivation. A stone that helps one to put ideas and dreams into action.
Chakras: Base, Sacral
Zodiac Signs: Leo, Cancer
Light, Protection, stress-relief
Carborundum can help absorb chaotic thoughts. The beautiful rainbow colours of the stones are associated with all 7 Chakras. It helps “Shines a Light” into all areas of our lives, thus helping lift depression and melancholia.
It is good to help relieve stress and its associated physical disorders. It can also help enhance the memory and increase artistic and diplomatic skills. Maybe useful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. It alleviates headaches and eye strain, especially related to computer use. Blocks and gives protection from electromagnetic radiation.
Carborundum does not occur naturally, it is man made from a combination of silica sand and carbon. A Silicon Carbide occurs naturally in meteorites, where it is called Moissanite (extremely rare).
Chakras: Base, but affects all.
Creativity, Physical Vitality, Grounding
Carnelian helps to calm fears about death. Carnelian is a powerful Sacral Chakra Stone. It increases personal power and physical energy, gives courage, and boosts creativity and compassion. Aids meditation by allowing deeper concentration and keeping out interrupting thoughts. Carnelian is useful in making decisions by keeping us focused on the here and now and not on past experiences. Carnelian calms anger and grounds you in reality. Carnelian encourages initiative and determination.
Carnelian increases blood circulation, aids in male impotency, increases appetite, alleviates problems of the liver, bladder, kidneys and spleen. It can help with PMS as well as anxiety associated with sexual anxieties. Also beneficial for lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression.
Chakra: Sacral
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Leo
Celestite Blue
Divine Expression, Angelic Communication, Clarity
Celestite is a powerful healing crystal. Bringing mental calm and clarity in the midst of any chaotic circumstance. Celestite can relieve stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviours. Its energy will alleviate any type of stage fright or nervousness. Celestite gives courage to those who suffer from agoraphobia (fear of crowds) or public speaking. It can be beneficial for shy or timid children to try new experiences. Its ability to heighten divine intuition makes Celestite especially useful for Reiki practice.
Celestite is a facilitator for deep states of meditation, helping to calm the mind and open it to communication from the higher realms. It will assist in recalling with clarity details of a dream.
Celestite sends energy to the organs of the higher chakras, aiding the healing of disorders such as brain imbalances, cellular disorders, and ailments of eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Celestite can also act as a detoxifier and pain reliever.
Chakra: Throat, Brow, Crown, Higher Crown
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra
Celestite White
Inspiration, calmness, Creativity
The Mexican Snow White Celestite is the most potent and beneficial of all Celestite found to date. It allows for a much more focused and intense flow of energy than any other type of Celestite. It elevates one’s mood and bring a sense of inspiration to any activity in which one is engaged. It also brings calm and a sense of hopefulness. It stimulates the third eye and crown chakras and the etheric chakras above the head.
Celestite truly works in the realm of the Angels. It brings inner peace and greatly enhances creativity. Use Celestite when you need to focus on new ideas. Working with Celestite helps you adjust to constant change.
Chakra: Throat, Brow, Crown, Higher Crown
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra
Brotherhood, Balance, Stability
Chalcedony is soothing and calming, great for promoting a sense of peace and joy. Chalcedony helps to relieve one of negative emotions, bringing a greater sense of overall happiness into one’s life.
All Chalcedonies are thought to absorb negativity and promote harmony. Chalcedony is a stone of Brotherhood. It promotes group stability, alleviates hostility, increases physical energy and balances the body, emotions, mind and spirit.
Chakras: Varies by Colour
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Sagittarius
Transformation, Insight, Spirituality
Charoite is a wonderful, spiritual stone teaching and guiding us on how to live in the present. It is a stone of acceptance and insight. Charoite facilitates physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Charoite removes/transmutes negativity and overcomes obsessive/compulsive behaviours. It helps one to face and release fear. Grounds the spiritual self into everyday reality.
Charoite is a stone of service and altruism. Charoite aids meditation and insight into the experiences. Placing Charoite on your Brow Chakra can help to access knowledge during the dream state.
Charoite is good for exhaustion, regulates blood pressure, eyes, heart, liver, pancreas, alleviates cramps, aches and pains. It helps overcome insomnia and gives children calm sleep. Good for autism and bipolar disorders.
Chakras: Brow, Crown Chakra
Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Protection, Health, Harmony
Chiastolite is a variety of Andalusite that contains a black cross pattern when seen in a cross-section. It is also known as the Cross Stone. In ancient China where it originated, Chiastolite was a symbol of the four cardinal points (north, south, east, west), and when placed in the centre of the home, will fuse chi energy and radiate it outwards, thus welcoming health and harmony. Chiastolite is a protective stone, often worn to guard against negative energies, curses and the like. It encourages creative thinking and problem-solving by getting rid of old thought patterns that have been keeping us from moving ahead.
Chiastolite is said to help with nerve damage, muscle weaknesses, rheumatism and gout. It can aide those who are debilitated by stroke or other paralysis.
Chakras: Sacral, Root
Zodiac Signs: Libra, Capricorn
Auric Cleanser, Support, Soothes and Calms
Chrysocolla is a peaceful stone; soothing and calming in times of stress. Chrysocolla gently draws off negative energies of all kinds and is especially helpful during transitional times, such as breakups and job loss. Chrysocolla can help calm the emotions and bring understanding to discordant relationships.
Chrysocolla helps one to face challenges and changes with ease. It inspires creativity, inner balance and self-awareness. Chrysocolla can be used where feelings of anger, guilt and blame are present. It will gently assist in the awareness and understanding of this process and will bring in the energies of forgiveness, love and joy. Chrysocolla is a powerful stone because it aligns all chakras with the Divine.
Chrysocolla helps with wise communication, helping one to learn how to live from the truth of the Heart, and activating the Thymus, or Second Heart Chakra. Chrysocolla enhances meditation, bringing visions and knowledge of the sublime into conscious awareness.
It is helpful, especially for the elderly, to ease feelings of fear when living alone.
Chrysocolla can help heal ailments of the lungs, back, and stomach. It alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and painful joints. It oxidizes the blood and helps with proper lung function. Chrysocolla also helps with high blood pressure, insulin production, thyroid problems, PMS, healthy foetal development and labour pains.
Chakras: Heart, Throat, Thymus (Second Heart) Brow
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Taurus
Hope, Compassion, Love
Chrysoprase helps one to connect with altruistic feelings, which when acted upon, tend to attract higher vibrational experiences into daily living. Chrysoprase opens and activates the Heart Chakra, allowing for a stronger flow of Chi through this Chakra and helping one to live from the heart. A stone of grace and compassion, Chrysoprase facilitates deep meditation and relaxation. Use Chrysoprase to encourage acceptance of oneself and of others, by banishing feelings of superiority or inferiority from within. Chrysoprase can also be used as a loving and supportive stone during experiences of deep loss. Chrysoprase is known for bringing hope into dire situations, and is excellent for breaking negative cycles. It can help to initiate great inner growth, especially when used during meditation. Carrying Chrysoprase in the pocket can be beneficial for those needing to release fear and bitterness. Chrysoprase can be used to treat disorders of the heart and to increase dexterity.
Chakras: Heart, Throat
Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Libra
Chrysoprase Lemon
Hope, Compassion, Love
Chrysoprase is a stone of grace and compassion, facilitating deep meditation and relaxation. Use Chrysoprase to encourage acceptance of oneself and of others, by banishing feelings of superiority or inferiority from within. Chrysoprase can also be used as a loving and supportive stone during experiences of deep loss. Chrysoprase is known for bringing hope into dire situations, and is excellent for breaking negative cycles. Beneficial for those needing to release fear and bitterness. Chrysoprase can be used to treat disorders of the heart and to increase dexterity, aids eye problems, mental illness, skin diseases, fertility, and soothes the digestive systems.
Chakras: Heart, Throat
Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Libra
Cleansing, Balancing, Detoxifying
Chrysotile is good for stimulating the inner senses, and in helping one to open up to the soul self. This stone helps one recognise that we are spiritual beings with a physical body. This stone can also help broaden the mind and be of help to strengthen the memory capacity. It is especially good in helping the brains neurons to regain, and keep a healthy function. It helps to strengthen and better the bodies’ vascular system, as well as helping to improve eyesight, especially with the eye focus.
Chrysotile is related with cleansing, balancing and detoxifying. Serves as an earthing stone for grounding during meditation.
Chakras: Base, Brow
Zodiac Signs: Taurus
Abundance, Emotional Balance, Chakra Cleanser
Citrine can help one to overcome depression, release anger, and learn effective communication skills. Citrine can activate one’s imagination, bringing more creative visions to a clearer mind. It can enhance one’s optimism in any situation, bringing a more positive outlook into the conscious and subconscious mind, which allows one to step into the flow of things with better results.
Citrine makes a great tool for transmuting negative energy. Citrine heightens self-discipline, attracting professional success and wealth. Citrine will help support the energy of a family environment at work or at home.
Citrine can support and enhance healing for the spine, the digestive and elimination organs, and the metabolism. Citrine can facilitate detoxification and stimulate circulation. Often used for chronic fatigue, Citrine can help to increase energy and drive. This property can also help those who are trying to lose weight, by encouraging one to be optimistic about achieving their goals.
Citrine helps stimulate digestion, the spleen and pancreas. Ameliorates kidney and bladder infections. Helps with eyes, thyroid, constipation and the menopause.
Citrine is called the ‘Success Stone’. It is said to promote good fortune, abundance and prosperity.
Chakra: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Crown, Cleanses all
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo
Healing, Prosperity, Ease Pain/Mental Stress
Dioptase can help to relieve mental stress, allow for complete relaxation, and enhance the meditative state. It can be used to clear and stimulate all chakras to the higher level of awareness and action, bringing an invigorating and refreshing energy to the physical, emotional and intellectual bodies.
Dioptase is healing of body and mind. Dioptase can help ease the pain/hurt of grief, abandonment, betrayal, and heartache. Physically, Dioptase can be paired with Red Aventurine to help those who have been diagnosed with Cancer. Dioptase can also ease migraines and headaches, addictions, high blood pressure, heart and liver issues as well as pain and fatigue.
Chakras: Heart
Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius
Support, Calm, Patience
Dumortierite is a stone of support, as it helps with those who may feel less than confident in thought and idea. It also assists in staying true and in standing up for one’s self. It is a perfect stone for families. For children, Dumortierite helps to reduce excitability and stubbornness. For parents, it is an excellent stone for calm and patience. Dumortierite is a wonderful Throat Chakra stone. It is a stone of communication and can stimulate the verbalization of ideas. Dumortierite is also a wonderful stone to use when feeling scattered, unfocused and disorganized. It will help to enhance the energies of orderliness, self discipline and organizational abilities. Dumortierite brings a feeling of relaxation, calm, and harmony, and can be used to reduce stress-related conditions like headaches and tension. Stamina is increased by Dumortierite, and the stone can help make unpleasant, monotonous tasks easier to bear. Dumortierite also provides strength and support when dealing with conditions of dis-ease. Dumortierite offers soothing vibrations that encourage patience with the natural order of the Universe. This action can help one to remain in a state of allowing, accepting that the process of manifestation may work more slowly at times. Dumortierite also promotes an understanding of karma and forgiveness, especially self-forgiveness.
Chakras: Throat, Third Eye
Zodiac Signs: Leo
Fluorite Green
Healing, Energizing, Cleansing
Green Fluorite enhances intuition and brings order out of chaos.
Green Fluorite cleanses and renews the chakras. It dispels negative energy, especially from the environment, such as electromagnetic smog from computers and the like. It then reenergizes the atmosphere.
Green Fluorite enhances the immune system, increases cell regeneration and assimilates vital nutrients. It helps bones and teeth, and eases arthritis. Green Fluorite heals scars, both emotional as well as physical. It can help with sore throats, ulcers, stomach upsets and insomnia.
Chakras: Heart, Throat
Zodiac Signs: Pisces
Fluorite Lilac
Clarity, Purpose, Order
Lilac Fluorite is said to help in balancing the brain hemispheres, allowing for both to work in harmony together and creating a ‘whole-brain’ state of mental and psychic abilities. Lilac Fluorite beneath the pillow brings prophetic and lucid dreams of the future that are devoid of our own fears and worries. Releases pent-up frustration, emotions and unshed tears.
Lilac Fluorite is claimed to be excellent for use after dental surgery as it treats jaw, mouth, teeth, gums, eustachian tubes, nose, sinuses, ears and eyes. It also helps the body to purge any excess medication, plus the effects of that medication and pain.
Chakras: All
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Capricorn
Fluorite Purple
Intuition, Creativity, Focus
Purple Fluorite stimulates the Brow Chakra and brings some common sense to intuitions. Purple Fluorite help you focus on the expression of Spirit, and communicate precisely its messages.
Purple Fluorite, like all the Fluorites, keeps you on track and focused on the job at hand, whether it is work related or studying for exams. It can gently encourage struggling students, especially those with learning disabilities, as it helps assimilate new information and provides for quick thinking.
Purple Fluorite enhances the immune system and eases headaches (especially tension). It helps bones and teeth, eases arthritis and aides in the treatment of bone marrow illnesses. Fluorite heals scars, both emotional as well as physical. It can help with sore throats, ulcers, stomach upsets and insomnia.
Chakras: Crown, Brow
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Capricorn
Fluorite Rainbow
Stabilizing, Grounding, Harmonizing
Rainbow Fluorite exhibits a combination of colours inherent in Fluorite crystals, such as purple, blue, green, clear and yellow and, as such, it blends all of the properties of each colour.
Chakras: Heart, Throat, Brow, Crown
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Capricorn
Fluorite Smoky
Cleansing, Confidence, Peace
Smoky Fluorite is said to have the ability to assist in the repair of damage to the brain and neural pathways. It is believed to be extremely cleansing to the aura, removing negativity and helping with mental imbalance. Smoky Fluorite has a deep cleansing effect upon astral levels of aura and mental level of body. Excellent for cleansing away negative thought patterns and nightmares. Like all Fluorites, works at a cellular and DNA level to rebalance health and well-being.
Chakras: All
Zodiac Signs: Pisces
Fossil Shell
Ancient Knowledge, Protection, Intuition
Fossils are the petrified remains of plants or animals that died away millions of years ago that, over time, have turned into stones. Minerals, such as quartz, agate, jasper, etc. often mix with sediment that result in a fossil. Amber, Jet, Petrified Wood, Sand dollars, and Ammonites are some examples of fossils.
Fossils are associated with the earth element, which can heighten one’s intuition, especially when learning about crystals.
Fossils around a home or at work create a harmonious and organized atmosphere. They can teach us to be aware of the cycle of life and to embrace change with a feeling of security.
Fossils help to ease atrophied muscles; strengthen bones and help with disorders of the hands and feet.
Chakras: Base, Solar Plexus
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Virgo
Fossil Wood
Grounding, Strength, Support
Petrified Wood, which is also known as Fossilized Wood or Agatized Wood, forms when a tree has died and silicon dioxide forms in place of the wood that degrades until there is no wood left, only Quartz. It works with the Base and Sacral Chakras to bring wonderful healing energies to both physical and emotional issues. Petrified Wood teaches us patience and helps us to understand how to allow life to evolve in perfection. Working with its grounding energies can encourage one to live life as a spiritual being within this physical realm.
Petrified Wood encourages people to respect and look after their environment, ever finding ways to live simply, in harmony with the Spirit of the planet. Carry Petrified Wood with you when you feel disconnected from Nature.
Physically, tumbled Petrified Wood is said to help all types of healing, and especially any issues associated with age, such as Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and arthritis. Strengthens the back, aids treatment to hearing loss and incontinence. Helps in coping with disease.
Chakras: Base, Sacral
Zodiac signs: Leo, Virgo
Rejuvenation, Renewal, Healing
Fuchsite is the emerald-green variety of Muscovite (a form of Mica). The presence of Chromium is what gives it the green colouring.
Fuchsite helps spark the joy and sweetness of our inner child; reminding us that the vitality of youth, no matter what the age, is an attitude of heart and mind. Emerald Fuchsite assists in the process of clearing/healing the various levels of consciousness, helping to achieve mental/emotional balance, tranquillity, and a deepened sense of compassion, understanding and acceptance. Fuchsite when combined with other crystals will intensify the energy of the crystals.
Fuchsite is a stone especially helpful for those who need to keep schedules, without feeling overwhelmed.
Fuchsite enhances tissue and cellular regeneration, improving one’s recuperative abilities and enhancing the immune system. It can alleviate symptoms of carpel tunnel syndrome, spinal alignment problems, and muscle flexibility.
Chakras: Heart
Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Libra
Love, Loyalty, Commitment
Garnet inspires a sense of lightness and brightness, illuminating dark places and dark souls. Garnet is a good stone for depression, bringing joy and hope, and helps lessen anger, especially toward oneself. Garnet stimulates willpower and courage, bringing those internalized ideas and feeling you have to the surface to be acted upon and carried out.
Garnet can cleanse the chakras of negative energies and re-energize them. It helps to balance the Sacral Chakra and sex drive, and to aid in the controlled rise of Kundalini energy. Garnet inspires love and passion, devotion and loyalty. A stone of commitment, Garnet encourages personal relationships of all kinds, and is a useful relationship tool both personally and in business.
Chakra: Base, Sacral, Heart
Zodiac Signs: Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius
Garnet Green
Abundance, Self-Confidence, Expression
Green Garnet is often referred to as a stone of abundance, and not just of material abundance. It can increase abundance of love, acceptance and peace. Green Garnet can help you get through periods of solitude without feeling lonely. It can increase self-confidence, heals feelings of inadequacy and allows you to feel that, in your heart, you always have what you need. The Universe will provide. Green Garnet can help you voice your feelings in a more positive way, rather than keeping them bottled up inside. Green Garnet is used as an anti-inflammatory to ease the symptoms associated with arthritis, rheumatism, wounds and inflamed scar tissue. It detoxifies the blood and kidneys; helps with heart and lung disorders and aids in the treatment of acidosis and leukemia.
Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus
Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Taurus
Grounding, Balancing, Detoxifying
Hematite helps to absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. Hematite is also good for working with the Base Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration.
Hematite can help one to find their own, unique gifts and to release self-imposed limitations, while still maintaining a healthy amount of self-control. Hematite aids in the Ascension process, by facilitating the integration of higher spiritual energies into our physical 3-D existence.
Hematite facilitates balance, equilibrium and strengthens self-confidence.
Hematite is used to protect against geopathic stress and electromagnetic smog, and is said to be a great detoxifying stone, helpful for the liver and the blood.
Chakra: Base
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Aquarius
Howlite Blue
Calming, Awareness, Spiritual
Howlite helps to reduce anxiety, tensions and stress. Howlite can be used to facilitate awareness, encourage emotional expression and assist in the elimination of pain, stress and/or rage.
Howlite will calm and soothe the emotions, slow the overactive mind and help to achieve a deep and restful sleep. Howlite can help to access/retrieve wisdom during the dream state and bring it back into consciousness upon waking.
Howlite brings mental awareness, both to current and past-life issues, and facilitates a calm communication of these issues. Keep a piece of Howlite in your pocket to absorb anger and negative energy.
Meditating with Howlite can help one to connect with the higher realms, allowing for greater communication of higher frequencies into the higher chakras, to be assimilated by the unconscious mind, which helps one to slowly remove the veils blocking truth. Howlite strengthens positive character traits, removing selfishness, rude behaviour, and greed.
Howlite can help with the absorption of calcium into the bones and teeth, and can balance the emotions. Howlite also assists in relaxing and releasing muscular tension. Helps relieve insomnia.
(This stone has been dyed, but keeps the properties of Howlite.)
Chakras: All
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo
Howlite Chrysocolla
Calming, Awareness, Spiritual
Howlite helps to reduce anxiety, tensions and stress. Howlite can be used to facilitate awareness, encourage emotional expression and assist in the elimination of pain, stress and/or rage.
Howlite will calm and soothe the emotions, slow the overactive mind and help to achieve a deep and restful sleep. Howlite can help to access/retrieve wisdom during the dream state and bring it back into consciousness upon waking.
Howlite brings mental awareness, both to current and past-life issues, and facilitates a calm communication of these issues. Keep a piece of Howlite in your pocket to absorb anger and negative energy.
Meditating with Howlite can help one to connect with the higher realms, allowing for greater communication of higher frequencies into the higher chakras, to be assimilated by the unconscious mind, which helps one to slowly remove the veils blocking truth. Howlite strengthens positive character traits, removing selfishness, rude behaviour, and greed.
Howlite can help with the absorption of calcium into the bones and teeth, and can balance the emotions. Howlite also assists in relaxing and releasing muscular tension. Helps relieve insomnia.
(This stone has been dyed, but keeps the properties of Howlite.)
Chakras: All
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo
Howlite Turquoise
Calming, Awareness, Spiritual
Howlite helps to reduce anxiety, tensions and stress. Howlite can be used to facilitate awareness, encourage emotional expression and assist in the elimination of pain, stress and/or rage.
Howlite will calm and soothe the emotions, slow the overactive mind and help to achieve a deep and restful sleep. Howlite can help to access/retrieve wisdom during the dream state and bring it back into consciousness upon waking.
Howlite brings mental awareness, both to current and past-life issues, and facilitates a calm communication of these issues. Keep a piece of Howlite in your pocket to absorb anger and negative energy.
Meditating with Howlite can help one to connect with the higher realms, allowing for greater communication of higher frequencies into the higher chakras, to be assimilated by the unconscious mind, which helps one to slowly remove the veils blocking truth. Howlite strengthens positive character traits, removing selfishness, rude behaviour, and greed.
Howlite can help with the absorption of calcium into the bones and teeth, and can balance the emotions. Howlite also assists in relaxing and releasing muscular tension. Helps relieve insomnia.
(This stone has been dyed, but keeps the properties of Howlite.)
Chakras: All
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo
Howlite White
Calming, Awareness, Spiritual
Howlite helps to reduce anxiety, tensions and stress. Howlite can be used to facilitate awareness, encourage emotional expression and assist in the elimination of pain, stress and/or rage.
Howlite will calm and soothe the emotions, slow the overactive mind and help to achieve a deep and restful sleep. Howlite can help to access/retrieve wisdom during the dream state and bring it back into consciousness upon waking.
Howlite brings mental awareness, both to current and past-life issues, and facilitates a calm communication of these issues. Keep a piece of Howlite in your pocket to absorb anger and negative energy.
Meditating with Howlite can help one to connect with the higher realms, allowing for greater communication of higher frequencies into the higher chakras, to be assimilated by the unconscious mind, which helps one to slowly remove the veils blocking truth. Howlite strengthens positive character traits, removing selfishness, rude behaviour, and greed.
Howlite can help with the absorption of calcium into the bones and teeth, and can balance the emotions. Howlite also assists in relaxing and releasing muscular tension. Helps relieve insomnia.
(Natural colour.)
Chakras: All
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo
Calming, Grounding, Protecting
Hypersthene calms, sooths, and quiets in general, and is especially helpful when the mind is overactive. By calming, grounding and protecting, it is an excellent aid to deep meditation, profound inner reflection.
Hypersthene is very useful for the delicate stages after any illness when one needs rest to heal and re-energise, in order to get back day to day normality.
Hypersthene will help those with sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep maintenance insomnia, to be able to actually go into a deep sleep state for longer periods of time so that the mind and body can restore what is needed much more than usual.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Jade African
Stability, Prosperity, Longevity
African Jade is an abundance and prosperity stone.
Helps to bring harmony to mind, body and spirit.
Helps if you are feeling ‘low’ and not sure what to do next.
Brings positivity to people and places.
Chakras: Brow
Zodiac Sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra
Jade Nephrite
Stability, Prosperity, Longevity
Nephrite is an abundance and prosperity stone. It can be placed in and around the home to bring peace and harmony to all who reside there, and when placed near the Heart Chakra, encourages unconditional love.
Nephrite has a revitalizing energy that can help to speed healing, eases the pain of arthritis and other joint illnesses, helps with fluid retention, high blood pressure and imbalances in blood sugar levels.
Chakras: Heart, Base
Zodiac signs: Libra, Pisces, Taurus.
Jasper Dalmatian
Protection, Grounding, Transmutes Negative Energy
It helps the over analyser to ground and centre all bodies (physical, emotional, intellectual, etc.) to maintain balance and connection (working with) with the etheric energies. Dalmatian Jasper is a stone of service, reminding us that we can make a difference, no matter how small or large the act. It can be used to calm and soothe animals that are hurt and scared.
Dalmatian Jasper helps to harmonize the emotions and assists in maintaining composure, even under the most difficult circumstances. It cleanses the aura and any other dysfunctional energies, dispels/transmutes negative energy (due to the black Tourmaline inclusions), and protects the user from harm. Use Dalmatian Jasper when you are feeling down and out. It will restore a sense of fun and childlike wonder- a true pick me up!
Improves the state of internal organs and counters both constipation and irritable bowel conditions.
Chakras: Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Zodiac signs: Gemini
Jasper Fancy
Discipline, Grounding, Perseverance
Fancy Jasper is known as the ‘stone of tranquillity’, it can help those who are having trouble focusing and/or concentrating, and can bring calm to overactive emotions, clearing the way for rational ideas to come through. Calms the mind.
Fancy Jasper can also facilitate the ability to focus on the NOW, instead of worrying about the future or feeling guilt about the past. It can enable one to enjoy life and have fun doing so. A type of Chalcedony, Jasper is a protective, nurturing stone that absorbs and transmutes negative energies. Jasper is often used for balancing the subtle bodies and aligning the Chakras. Fancy Jasper crystal is a great aid for those seeking to bring practicality into their life, but not boredom. Jasper promotes vitality and perseverance, and can boost energy when one is running particularly low. Fancy Jasper helps with detoxifying the body and increasing blood circulation. It can also alleviate stomach ailments.
Chakras: Base, Solar Plexus
Zodiac signs: Aries, Scorpio
Jasper Kambaba
Calming, Balance, Protection
Kambaba Jasper is an exotic looking jasper from Africa. It is said to soothe the nerves and state of mind, and also it is good for grounding and protection. It is purported to be beneficial for plant growth and health, particularly in arid environments or where the soil is poor. Kambaba Jasper is said to help dietary stabilization, assimilation of vitamins and minerals, and cleansing the body of toxins, and relief from anxiety.
Kambaba jasper instills a feeling of wholeness, serenity and being cared for. Kambaba Jasper aids in mental clarity and functioning, brings balance and relaxation.
Chakras: Base, Heart
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio.
Jasper Leopardskin
Protection, Harmony, Journeying
Leopardskin Jasper is a great stone to utilize when connecting/communicating with the animal kingdom, in both the physical and spiritual planes. Leopardskin Jasper is connected with Shamanism, helping to discover personal animal totems (power animals) and learning how to work with them. It is a powerful protection stone.
Leopardskin Jasper is closely associated with strength and vitality, and brings stability to those who may be experiencing chaotic energies. Once attuned to this stone, Leopardskin Jasper is known for attracting harmonious vibrations into one’s existence, which correspond to one’s direct needs, but not necessarily desires. This includes the attraction of certain circumstances and people that are conducive to one’s own personal growth.
Leopardskin Jasper is known for its healing energies and is of immense benefit for those experiencing chronic health conditions. In general, Jasper is known as the ‘supreme nurturer’. It sustains and supports during times of stress, and brings tranquillity and wholeness. Used in healing, Jasper unifies all aspects of your life. Jasper reminds people to help each other.
Chakras: Base, Heart, Crown
Zodiac signs: Scorpio, Gemini
Jasper Picasso
Nurturing, Creativity, Strength
All Jaspers are extremely nurturing stones, sustaining and supporting, during times of stress and bringing feelings of peace and ‘wholeness’. They are also said to facilitate dream recall and to provide protection.
In addition Picasso Jasper is said to help to remind us to celebrate life and to help us to realise that it is not too late to enjoy ourselves and to ‘live a little’.
Picasso Jasper is also believed to promote the development of creativity and to bring strength and self-discipline. It is thought to bring calm to difficult situations and to encourage us to relax and enjoy life.
Picasso Jasper grounds and promotes inner strength and self-reliance.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Jasper Picture
Confidence, Nurturing, Creative Visualization
Picture Jasper gives us the chance to see the bigger picture and move forward with courage and confidence. Use this stunning stone to begin a new business venture without the fear of failure.
Take a piece of Picture Jasper with you when traveling to other countries to gain a better understanding of their cultures. A stone of creative visualization, Picture Jasper can be an aide in bringing your goals and dreams into reality. Because of its connection to the earth, Picture Jasper is wonderful stone to work with for conservationists.
Picture Jasper keeps the immune system healthy, alleviates skin disorders and is helpful for lung disorders and allergies. It is a protective, nurturing stone that absorbs and transmutes negative energies. Jasper is often used for balancing the subtle bodies and aligning the Chakras. Jasper is a great aid for those seeking to bring practicality into their life, but not boredom. Jasper promotes vitality and perseverance, and can boost energy when one is running particularly low.
Chakras: Base, Brow
Zodiac signs: Leo, Capricorn
Jasper Poppy
Vitality, Focus, Grounding
Poppy Jasper is a stone of strength and vitality. It can be used to bring mental clarity and focus. Poppy Jasper
stimulates the base and sacral chakras in addition to cleansing and stabilizing the auric field. Poppy Jasper removes negativity from any space. Poppy Jasper can be used as a worry stone due to its calming and nurturing properties. It brings happiness and a good outlook on life and eases stress. It promotes dream recall. Poppy jasper encourages communication with animals and is said to help with animal allergies as well as other allergies. Poppy jasper is said to help increase physical endurance and ward off dehydration. It is a detoxifying stone promoting health and healing/recovery from illness. It is a wonderful grounding stone which can assist those who feel overwhelmed when it comes to the task of organization. Poppy Jasper can also help in developing creativity.
Chakras: Base, Sacral
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Scorpio
Jasper Red
Nurturing, Grounding, Stabilizing
Red Jasper is a calming stone and can stimulate the Base Chakra. Red Jasper works slowly and effectively, and is a great stone to ground anyone who is overly sensitive to crystalline energy. Red Jasper aids in resolving difficult situations and can be used to ground and stabilize the Aura. Using Jasper can bring helpful insights into view that can help to progress toward set goals, or to understand why a change may be necessary. Red Jasper is a staple of the medicine bag. In general, Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports during times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, Jasper unifies all aspects of your life. Jasper reminds people to help each other.
Chakras: Base, Sacral
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Scorpio
Jasper Shell
Nurturing, Balancing, Calming
Shell jasper is a very gentle stone that is both soothing and energising. It is said to ground and protect, creating a sense of contentment and relaxation.
Shell Jasper is a new found stone from China. It is a stone of pure nurturer as it has a very calm vibrational feel to it. Shell Jasper is a stone of relaxation and rejuvenation and will helps calm your anxieties. Shell Jasper is a strong balancing stone and will help ground and protect you from negative energy sources. Shell Jasper refreshes your mind and spirit and helps bring a sense of calmness to your environment.
It strengthens the body, protects your energy, and calms your energy.
Chakras: Base, Sacral.
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo
Jasper Snakeskin
Calming, Balancing, Protection
Snakeskin Jasper is a protective, calming stone. It is protective in many ways, it guards against negativity, including the negative outlooks and behaviours of other people, shields from psychic attack and also protects against temptations which would be harmful or damaging. It is also said to boost the cleansing of an environment when smudging. Snakeskin Jasper can assist dream recall and offer insight into difficult situations. Known as the stone of grace, it can help its owner to move more gracefully. It is also an anti-anxiety stone and can assist in times of worry or conflict.
Jasper is good for the circulatory and digestive systems. It also aids the sexual organs, supports during prolonged illnesses and aids recovery and repair.
Jasper can aid the ability to “think on your feet”. It can help improve organisational skills, transform ideas into action and provide the determination to see tasks through to completion. Jasper can give the courage to deal with any problems effectively and assertively and provide tranquility during stressful times.
Jasper can align and balance the mental, physical and emotional bodies of the aura. It provides protection and grounding, can facilitate astral travel and aid dream recall.
Chakras: Base, Sacral
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Jasper Tree
Nurturing, stabilizing, strength
Tree Agate is a white crystal with green markings. It is an extremely stabilizing stone that can help you to feel safe and secure even in the most challenging situations. It is also said to endow you with the strength to face unpleasant circumstances with poise and self-control, helping you to extract positives from a bad situation.
Tree Agate is believed to provide a powerful connection to the nurturing energy of nature. It is a good stone for plants and trees and can be gridded around a growing area to improve the health of the plants.
Tree Agate is a slow acting crystal and should be worn, or carried, for long periods of time to get the full benefit.
Chakras: Heart
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn
Jasper Yellow
Detoxify, Protection, Connection to Mother Earth
Yellow Jasper aids and protects during all types of spiritual work. It is a companion stone, helping to keep you moving on your life path.
Yellow Jasper is a wonderful stone to utilize as it will protect and clear the body of environmental toxins and impurities. If you or someone you love is clumsy or accident prone, a gift of Yellow Jasper will help to ease these issues. Carry Yellow Jasper when you need a boost of positive energy to infuse the body, mind and soul.
Yellow Jasper can be used to help cleanse and detoxify the internal organs, including the liver, gall bladder and intestines. Yellow Jasper also helps to strengthen the immune system, relieve nausea, bloating and indigestion. Yellow Jasper can also be beneficial to work with if chronic back pain is an issue. As with all Jaspers, Yellow Jasper will also help to absorb pain.
In general, Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports during times of stress, and brings tranquillity and wholeness. Used in healing, Jasper unifies all aspects of your life. Jasper reminds people to help each other.
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Zodiac signs: Leo, Gemini, Capricorn
Communication, Meditation, Balance
Kyanite aligns all of the chakras, and can be used to open them as well. Kyanite also aligns all layers of the aura. This makes Kyanite an excellent choice for any type of balance or energy work.
Kyanite transmits and amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements and meditation. Kyanite brings a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body. Kyanite clears and calms you in preparation for meditation, and assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts, as well as dream recall. Kyanite restores Chi to the physical body, and balances yin/yang energies.
Chakras: Throat, Brow, Aligns All
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Libra
Strength, Transformation, Intuition
Labradorite heightens intuition and enhances psychic abilities, making it great for working with the Brow Chakra. Intuition and intellect are balanced by Labradorite, illusions are dispelled and true intentions are seen more easily with its use. Labradorite is also very protective against negative energies, balancing, strengthening and protecting the aura and sealing the aura from energy leaks.
Labradorite is a stone of transformation and change. Labradorite enhances strength of will and feelings of inner worth. It is useful for bringing up and healing old memories, including past life issues. Labradorite can also help prepare the body and soul for ascension.
Labradorite can aid in communicating with our highest self and with the creator. It helps to assists when facing and navigating all types of changes and challenges, attracting strength and perseverance. Labradorite is one of the best stones to use when dealing with any type of addiction or to break unhealthy habits.
Alleviates feeling cold, Colds, Rheumatic illnesses, gout, Lowers blood pressure, Calming, Improves vision.
Chakras: Brow, Crown
Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo
Labradorite Micro
Intuition, Aura Protection, Spiritual Development
Labradorite Micro (Galaxyite) releases stress and anxiety from the mind and body, eases anxiety or nervous system based illnesses. It supports healthy digestion and the absorption of minerals. It is said to cleanse, balance and protect the aura. It is a wonderful crystal to use during times of change or spiritual development. Labradorite Micro is a stone of transformation, bringing a touch of magic and adventure to our spiritual path.
It is said to be of benefit in treating colds, gout and rheumatism.
Labradorite Micro is an excellent protector of the Aura, working to deflect any unwanted energies and also keeping it balanced, protected and free from any energy leaks. It can help us to raise our levels of consciousness and help us to better connect with universal energies
It promotes within us a better understanding of intuition, mysticism and psychic wisdom.
Chakras: Base, Brow, Crown,
Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius
Lapis Lazuli
Communication, Intuition, Inner Power
Lapis Lazuli is one of the best stones to use when opening and balancing the Throat Chakra. Lapis Lazuli helps to foster full verbal expression, and clears problems caused by “swallowing your tongue”. Lapis encourages clear, truthful expression when sharing information with others, including an easier voicing/communication of anger.
Deeply peaceful, Lapis provides wisdom into mystical realms and connection with spiritual guardians. Lapis Lazuli can be a key to spiritual attainment. Lapis also protects against psychic attack, shielding negative energy and returning any negative vibrations to their source. Lapis Lazuli will enhance dream work and spiritual journeying.
Lapis Lazuli helps with the immune system, thyroid and nervous system, lowers blood pressure, calms the nerves and relieves anxiety. It can alleviate headaches, migraines, fevers and pain.
Chakras: Throat, Brow, Crown
Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Libra
Balance, Awareness, Transition
Known as a stone of transition, Lepidolite helps to shift and restructure old energy patterns, bringing light and hope to a situation. Use Lepidolite to reduce stress associated with change. Lepidolite brings balance and inner peace, helping one to see reasons behind any negative experiences, so they can improve on them. Lepidolite promotes spiritual transcendence and cosmic awareness, particularly assisting in the course of meditation and/or prayer.
The soothing energy of Lepidolite can be used to help those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Lepidolite can also be an ally to a parent of a child with ADHD, or hyperactivity. Sleep disorders, such as insomnia, can be greatly reduced by utilizing Lepidolite. Ameliorating ailments involving the nervous system, Lepidolite can help those with Alzheimer’s and epilepsy. Lepidolite contains trace amounts of Lithium, which explains why it is so helpful for achieving emotional balance. Due to its Lithium content, Lepidolite carries the benefit of clearing away depression after the emotion has served its purpose in one’s personal growth.
Lepidolite is good for helping to absorb electromagnetic pollution and is said to work best for this when placed next to the computer.
Chakras: Heart, Throat, Brow, Crown
Zodiac signs: Libra, Capricorn
Amplifies, Protects, Healing
Malachite is a stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention. Malachite absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface. It clears and activates all Chakras, and is especially helpful in the stimulation of the Heart and Throat Chakras. An extremely powerful metaphysical stone, Malachite is often called the “stone of transformation” and is used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation. For this reason, many metaphysicians recommend using Malachite in small doses.
Malachite amplifies energies of all kinds, both positive and negative. One of the most important healing stones, Malachite helps the user acknowledge, draw out, and discharge negative energy, including old emotional patterns, past traumas, and suppressed feelings. Malachite’s ability to draw out negative energy can assist in discovering the energy blocks and patterns that may be causing physical disease.
Malachite absorbs pollution, purifies, and shields against radioactivity. Malachite can be useful in easing menstrual cramps and childbirth. It may help with lowering blood pressure, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, fractures, and travel sickness.
Do not use salt to cleanse polished Malachite as it will damage the finish.
Chakras: Heart, Throat, Brow
Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Scorpio
Malachite & Chrysocolla
Malachite Amplifies, Protects, Healing
Chrysocolla Auric Cleanser, Support, Soothes and Calms
Malachite absorbs energy, draws emotions to the surface, and clears and activates the chakras.
It is called the “stone of transformation” and is used for deep energy cleaning.
Malachite helps the user acknowledge, draw out, and discharge negative energy, including old emotional patterns, past traumas, and suppressed feelings.
Use Malachite on the Brow to facilitate psychic vision. Use Malachite with the Heart Chakra to bring balance
and fidelity to relationships with other people.
Highly protective, Malachite absorbs pollution and shields against radioactivity. Put one or two pieces of
Malachite in a child’s room if they have a computer or television. Place one near computers or other electrical
items in the home or office.
Malachite can be useful in easing menstrual cramps and childbirth. It can also ease headaches,
inflammation, broken bones, rheumatism, asthma and insomnia.
Chrysocolla is a very peaceful stone. It is soothing and calming in times of stress, bringing about a gentle release.
Chrysocolla gently draws off negative energies of all kinds and is especially helpful during transitional times,
such as breakups and job loss. Chrysocolla can help calm the emotions and bring understanding to discordant relationships.
Chrysocolla can be used with the Throat Chakra, where it helps with wise communication, or with the Heart Chakra to balance and strengthen, helping one to learn how to live from the truth of the Heart.
It can also be used to open and activate the Thymus, or Second Heart Chakra. Chrysocolla has been used with the
Brow to enhance meditation, bringing visions and knowledge of the sublime into conscious awareness.
Chrysocolla can help heal ailments of the lungs, back, and stomach.
Chakras: Heart, Throat, Brow
Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Scorpio
Chakras: Heart, Throat, Thymus (Second Heart) Brow
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Taurus
Mica Green Chromium
Protection, Peace, Strength
Mica is said to help you perceive your imperfections (and the imperfections of those around you) with kindness, acceptance and love.
It is said to calm an angry personality and help to dissolve hostility and neurotic tendencies. It’s also said to increase a clear connection to ones higher mind and improve natural psychic inclinations.
Mica aligns energy of the body and releases blockages of energy within the body. Mica is used in crystal healing to reduce hunger when fasting, insomnia, mononucleosis symptoms, and dehydration. It is also said to provide energy and purpose.
Chakras: Heart, Third Eye
Zodiac Signs: Aquarius
Mica Red
Protection, Peace, Strength
Mica is said to help eliminate negative personality traits by helping one recognize them. It enhances flexibility in all realms and also assist growth in those areas. It is used to diminish anger, hostility, and nervous energy. Mica aligns energy of the body and releases blockages of energy within the body.
Mica can protect against negative energy. Mica shields against jealousy, anger and violence. Mica helps keep the peace in drama-prone households.
Use Mica to help with insomnia. It can benefit the digestive system and intestines. Mica keeps blood sugar levels steady; aides with dehydration; improves concentration and memory; improves stamina and strength.
Mica comes in many colours and is also associated with the chakra of similar colour.
Chakras: Heart, Brow
Zodiac signs: Aquarius
Awareness, Intuition, Healing
Mookaite (also called Australian Jasper) is a powerful healing stone that helps provide stability to one’s perspective of life, helping make the right decisions based on objective knowledge. Mookaite balances the Base, Solar Plexus, and Brow Chakras, and can improve the flow of energy between these chakras. One can use Mookaite to access genetic memory to help awaken all of one’s abilities.
Mookaite may assist in helping to slow the aging process by changing internal beliefs regarding that process, and by reminding one that the spirit is eternal. Mookaite can assist during pregnancy, encouraging healthy development of the foetus. Mookaite is also a wonderful stone to use in a supportive role when working with animals.
Hold Mookaite in your hand during meditation to help with the release of old patterns that inhibit growth. Carry Mookaite in your pocket when in need of an extra boost of practical intuition. Mookaite can help those who are trying to work with Law of Attraction to bring higher ideals into physical reality.
Chakras: Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Brow
Zodiac signs: Virgo, Scorpio
Intuition, Inspiration, Goddess Energy
Moonstone is a stone of intuition and insight, Moonstone helps to connect to all of the different cycles one experiences in life. Moonstone helps to balance the emotional body, especially any aggressive tendencies in males or females. Many people find Moonstone to be very soothing and use it to help relieve stress.
Working with the Sacral, Brow and Crown Chakras, Moonstone connects us to Divine Inspiration, and channels it into our own intuition. Moonstone encourages introspection and judgment, yielding to easier decision making. Moonstone also enhances one’s emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. These properties are also enhanced by Moonstone’s ability to open one up to increased synchronicities, that we often cannot see due to our being wrapped up in our daily routines. Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing, so those newly found synchronicities can flow into our lives unimpeded.
Moonstone can promote conception by aiding all aspects of the reproductive system. It helps to balance hormonal and menstrual cycles. Moonstone is also known to help with the digestive system, including the liver, and can aid in the absorption of essential vitamins and minerals. It is beneficial for the skin, hair and eyes. Moonstone helps to eliminate toxins and fluid retention. Moonstone may alleviate nightmares and provide regular sleep patterns.
Charge your Moonstone by placing it in the moonlight.
Chakras: Sacral, Brow, Crown
Zodiac signs: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
Mother of Pearl
Crystal Healers believe Mother of Pearl helps feminine qualities, calm, agitation, mending a broken heart, wealth, poverty mentality, letting go, releasing material things and emotional issues from the past, healing emotional wounds, intuition, sensitivity, imagination, adaptability, decision making, faith, charity, innocence, personal integrity, focuses your attention, air, energy protective, irritants, negativity, protection for travellers.
Mother of Pearl is a stress relieving stone; it relaxes, calms and soothes the emotions helping them become more harmonious and balanced. It is a stone that brings a calm to a hot temper or fearful feelings.
Mother of Pearl stimulates our intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability. It enables the expression of feelings of love. It is also said to bring clarity during decision making and organisation, and bring calm into the home.
Chakras: Sacral
Zodiac Signs: Aquarius
New Jade
Abundance, Manifestation, Healing
New Jade, also called Serpentine is a wonderful healing stone! Serpentine helps to clear out and release the clouded/dense areas of all chakras so that healing can occur. Serpentine will help with healing on all levels (mental, emotional, and physical). Serpentine forms a unique connection to promote healing in the way that is best for each individual.
Serpentine helps with emotional cleansing, psychic powers, raising the kundalini and is an excellent stone for meditation. It is said to attract love and money.
Chakras: Heart, Crown, Clears All
Zodiac signs: Gemini
Obsidian Black
Grounding, Protecting, Healing
Black Obsidian is an opaque volcanic glass, whereas the translucent variety is called Apache Tears. It is a protective stone, often worn to guard against negativity, demanding people, hostile entities and geopathic stress. It eases tension, especially in the home and can protect against electromagnetic fields.
Use Black Obsidian during meditation to find a creative way through problems. It is helpful in developing intuition and grounding you to the earth, releasing negative energies that result in restlessness, irritability and nervousness. Place a piece of Black Obsidian near a nervous pets’ bed to help it feel less frightened and skittish. Black Obsidian is very helpful after trauma, especially sexual assault or domestic violence.
Obsidian protects the wearer from hostility, negativity, psychic ‘vampires’ and spiritual entities that do not belong. It offers release from tension and enables one to move forward in his/her life, with a more promising outlook.
Obsidian often points to the root cause of an illness. It clears the blockages that cause disease. Use Obsidian for detoxifying, alleviating bleeding, increasing blood circulation, and helping with the pain associated with arthritis and other joint discomfort.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio
Obsidian Snowflake
Balance, Centring, Support
A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian helps to keep centred and focused when any type of chaotic situation (office, commute, home, etc.) presents itself. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease.
Volcanic in origin, Snowflake Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns. A good choice for past life work, Snowflake Obsidian heals old karmic patterns and helps in examining harmful thought patterns. Snowflake Obsidian promotes a sense of calm and inner centring which readies one for a deep meditative state.
Physically, Snowflake Obsidian is associated with the skeletal and vascular systems, and is said to support smooth skin.
Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone. It is used as a great cleanser of negative energies, helping to remove not only negativity experienced in the environment, but also that of one’s own emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. Obsidian is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages, and has a tendency to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved.
Chakras: Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Zodiac signs: Virgo, Capricorn
Protection, Encouragement, Strength
A powerful protection stone, Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief. Onyx fosters wise decision-making.
Use Onyx to encourage happiness and good fortune. Onyx is a strength-giving stone and can provide support for self-discipline issues. Because it helps to hold physical memories, Onyx can be useful in healing old wounds or past life issues.
Onyx is wonderful for meditation and dreaming. When using Onyx for either of these purposes, it is recommended to use a secondary grounding stone in combination with the Onyx. Onyx helps one to become master of their own future.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac signs: Leo, Capricorn
Opal Yellow
Love, Healing, Power, Good Luck
Yellow Opal is a stone of emotional stability. It is often used to amplify positive emotions. It is useful in balancing the crown chakra.
Yellow Opal enhances visualisation and the imagination, opening many areas connected to it such as creativity. Yellow Opal encourages its keeper to see the bigger picture and imagine past the present. It is a stone that help turn dreams into reality.
A stone that can be of benefit to help lift away the effects of depression, bring a sense of comfort and security, while raising self-esteem and self-confidence.
Use this stone for babies who are teething, just by gently holding the stone on the outer side of the babies face near the jaw area, will help bring down any soreness and discomfort.
The opal is said to be many things including the most powerful of healing stones, the stone of hope, and the stone of great achievement.
Chakras: Crown
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces
Psychic abilities, Spirituality, Transition
Opalite is a man-made opalized glass resin that is fused with metal to create an opalescent effect.
Opalite is a subtle yet highly energetic stone. It is the ideal stone for meditation. Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and meridians. Emotionally, Opalite helps by assisting during transitions of all kinds. It engenders persistence and gives us strength in verbalising our hidden feelings. It can also help us to be successful in business.
Opalite is an all-round healing stone. It aids sexual prowess, enhancing sexual experience. Opalite stabilises mood swings and helps in overcoming fatigue. It purifies the blood and kidneys.
Opalite is believed to alleviate depression, soothe frayed nerves and help us to step away from anxiety. It is said to bring inner peace and a sense of calm in any situation.
Chakras: Brow, Crown
Zodiac: Cancer
Healing, Protective, Comforting
Peridotite carries a positive energy that is helpful for those undergoing traumatic emotional situations.
Peridotite is a high-vibrational Heart Chakra Crystal. The strong Heart Chakra energies are what give Peridotite its ability to bring out unconditional Love and help those who are working to lessen the effects of the ego in their lives. Peridotite can work with both the Heart and Solar-Plexus Chakras to affect an understanding of the role of relationships in life whether romantic, friendly, or otherwise. Peridotite is thus a good crystal to wear or carry during interaction with others. Peridotite is also a protective crystal, offering a supportive energy to keep chakras in balance and alignment, especially after any type of energy healing work has been done on the body.
These “maintenance” type energies make Peridotite exceptional in group situations, offering its upbeat and comforting vibe to all nearby. Peridotite offers deep healing vibrations to the whole body, and can be especially helpful to those recovering from illness or accidents. Specifically, Peridotite can bring healing to the lungs, heart, and stomach, and is believed to assist in childbirth.
Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus
Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Prosperity, Protection, Deflects Negativity
Pyrite is a very protective stone, deflecting negative energy of all kinds. Pyrite blocks energy leaks and mends auric tears. Pyrite helps to protect you from environmental pollution.
Traditionally, Pyrite is known as a stone of luck, helping to attract abundance, wealth and prosperity. Pyrite helps to release negative and inhibiting patterns of behaviour. Pyrite can enhance one’s will during challenging times and supports the action necessary for personal growth and success. Meditation with Pyrite can encourage greater frequency in moments of inspiration, and its grounding action allows these higher frequencies to be grounded into the physical world.
Pyrite promotes good physical health and emotional well-being. Pyrite is helpful for any type of infection and can purify the systems of the body. Pyrite can be used to bring a feeling of increased vitality during times of hard-work or stress. Pyrite is great for balancing one’s energetic fields. Pyrite makes a great gift for those in convalescence.
Quartz Blue
Connection, Clarity, Communication
Helpful with issues requiring diplomacy, Blue Quartz is a soothing and calming stone, bringing a relaxing, peaceful vibe to any situation. Blue Quartz cleanses the aura and clears away even the toughest energy blockages. Blue Quartz can help one to connect to higher realms bringing great clarity to psychic visions and enhancing dream work.
Blue Quartz enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness by balancing the Throat Chakra and enhancing communication between upper and lower Chakras. Blue quartz also helps to improve one’s communication skills. Blue Quartz is said to enhance the immune system and encourage proper function of the lungs, heart, throat, and eyes.
Chakras: Throat, Brow
Zodiac signs: Gemini
Quartz Cherry
Healing, Enhancing, Amplification
Cherry Quartz has the same properties as Clear Quartz.
Clear Quartz is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals. Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. It is known as the ‘Master Healer’, and when added to any crystal will amplify the healing energy. Clear Quartz protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain.
Clear Quartz has been shown to enhance and strengthen the aura. Clear Quartz is often used to cleanse, open, activate, and align all of the chakras. It stimulates the immune system. Since Clear Quartz absorbs energies very easily, it is important to clear these stones on a regular basis.
In natural form, Clear Quartz Points radiate their energies outward, into the surrounding environment. Quartz Points are wonderful crystals to use with any type of meditation or energy work, including Reiki, table work, and Energy Grids.
Chakras: All
Zodiac signs: All
Quartz Clear
Healing, Enhancing, Amplification
Clear Quartz is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals. Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. It is known as the ‘Master Healer’, and when added to any crystal will amplify the healing energy. Clear Quartz protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain.
Clear Quartz has been shown to enhance and strengthen the aura. Clear Quartz is often used to cleanse, open, activate, and align all of the chakras. It stimulates the immune system. Since Clear Quartz absorbs energies very easily, it is important to clear these stones on a regular basis.
In natural form, Clear Quartz Points radiate their energies outward, into the surrounding environment. Quartz Points are wonderful crystals to use with any type of meditation or energy work, including Reiki, table work, and Energy Grids.
Chakras: All
Zodiac signs: All
Quartz Golden Healer
Master Healer, Raise Vibrations, Spiritual Communications
The Golden Healer is a powerful healing crystal as it allows the golden light of Universal Life Force to flow into body through the Crown Chakra. The energy then spreads its golden light throughout the body as it clears blockages and imbalances that ready the body for multi-level healing.
The Golden Ray energy of the Golden Healer may represent the Divine Spirit, Source and Creation. A Master Healer, the Golden Healer is of the highest vibration. Its energy is powerful, yet gentle and soothing.
Golden Healers can be used to raise the holder’s energy vibration or frequency, which will facilitate spiritual communications over a long distance, including between worlds and dimensions.
Hold a Golden Healer when meditating to connect with Source energy and to reconnect with the “One”. Place a Golden Healer cluster under a healing or massage table to fill the area with gentle, sustainable energy throughout your healing session. Highlight a Golden Healer on an altar or grid, to raise the frequency/vibration of your intent.
This is a powerful and amazing piece, which enhances joy, peace and the spirit of Oneness.
Chakras: Solar Plexus, Brow, Crown, Higher Chakras
Zodiac signs: All
Quartz Rose
All Types of Love, Compassion, Self Esteem
Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love. One of the most important stones for Heart Chakra work, Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love – love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love. It has a high energy which is calming and soothing, fostering empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness of others. Rose Quartz lowers stress and tension in the heart, clearing out anger, jealousy, and resentment of others, and allows healing of heart issues and dis-ease associated with holding on to such negative emotions.
Rose Quartz adds loving energy to relationships, bringing calm and peace. The comforting and soothing energy of Rose Quartz can also help heal a broken heart, allowing release of pent-up emotions and grief. Rose Quartz also helps release unexpressed feelings about others.
Rose Quartz is used to heal ailments of the thymus, heart, and lungs. Rose Quartz is also known to help heal breast cancer and is an excellent support stone for most other types of cancer as well. Rose Quartz helps bring about a more youthful complexion; aides in circulatory, heart, adrenal gland, spleen and kidney ailments; alleviates vertigo, asthma, varicose veins, aches and pains, bruises, fear, headaches, eyesight; eases problems with sexual frustration and balances the sex drive.
Chakras: Heart, Higher Heart
Zodiac signs: Taurus, Libra
Quartz Smoky
Removes Negativity, Grounding, Transformation
Smoky Quartz is a powerful stone emitting a high level of energy. Smoky Quartz helps in grounding and is good for working with the Base and Solar Plexus Chakras. Smoky Quartz absorbs and transmutes negative energy. Smoky Quartz is also a great stone for pain relief, and helps to prevent healing crises after a strong energy session. It benefits ailments of the abdomen, back, hips, legs, reproductive system and headaches.
Smoky Quartz can help integrate messages and/or spiritual energy received in higher chakras into the lower chakras and anchor expanded consciousness into the physical body. Smoky Quartz works with all of the Chakras, but can specifically focus its energies with the Base and Solar-Plexus Chakras.
This crystal helps to facilitate the transformation of dreams into reality.
Meditating with Smoky Quartz can bring information from other realms into the physical. Smoky Quartz has a slow and methodical way of pulling higher energies down into third dimensional reality.
Chakras: Base, Solar Plexus
Zodiac signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Quartz Spirit
Unity, Harmony, Spiritual Connection
Spirit Quartz occurs mainly in light Amethyst, but also in Clear Quartz and occasionally in Citrine or Smokey Quartz. Spirit Quartz has only been found in South Africa.
In Spirit Quartz, powerful healing energy is directed through the main crystal while also being simultaneously radiated out in all directions by the tiny crystals that cover it. Spirit Quartz stimulates on all levels the physical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional and subtle bodies. Spirit Quartz brings focus to the energetic centre of an issue, the “heart of the matter” or the core of dis-ease.
Its ability to focus and bring energies together makes Spirit Quartz an excellent stone for groups. Spirit Quartz fosters unity, peace, and a willingness to work together that is beneficial to families, communities, or businesses alike. Use Spirit Quartz in group meditations to connect the energies of all participants.
Spirit Quartz opens and cleanses all Chakras.
Spirit Quartz shields the aura and transmutes negative energy. It helps decrease fears, and is an excellent stone to use when dealing with the loss of a loved one, easing the grief of transition. Spirit Quartz can aid to increase fertility.
Chakras: Crown, Heart
Zodiac signs: Libra, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces, Capricorn
Quartz Strawberry
Amplifies Intentions, Insight, Love & Understanding
Strawberry Quartz carries all the vibrations of Clear Quartz, with the additional attributes of universal love, understanding of purpose, and seizing the day. Strawberry Quartz can be soothing and calming for someone who works in a fast-paced environment.
Strawberry Quartz has the ability to amplify intentions of love, gratitude and generosity, and can radiate those vibrations outward. Some wear Strawberry Quartz when trying to attract a soul-mate.
Strawberry Quartz assists in bringing balance to the psyche, the emotions, and the subtle energy bodies. An important tool for new initiates on the spiritual path, Strawberry Quartz can help one to gain insights into one’s persona and inspiration regarding how to improve on it. Strawberry Quartz is a great facilitator of gaining hidden knowledge, therefore good to meditate with.
Chakras: Heart
Zodiac signs: Libra
Quartz Tourmalinated
Grounding, Protection, Removes/Transmutes Negativity
Tourmalinated Quartz, shares the properties of its components – the grounding and deflection of negative energy found in Tourmaline, as well as the energy amplification and consciousness raising ability of Quartz. Tourmalinated Quartz can help bring balance to the Yin and Yang energies, and is often used as a good luck charm.
The tourmaline makes it a wonderful stone for releasing fear and worry, and for protection of one’s energy field.
Also used for clearing away electromagnetic pollution from sources such as computers and cell phones.
Clear Quartz is known as the master healer of the mineral kingdom and is often used for enhancing psychic abilities. It has the energetic property of amplification, focus, and programmability. Clear Quartz is a great tool for manifestation and spiritual growth. Meditating with Clear Quartz can help one to attune to the soul purpose. Clear Quartz can open and activate the chakras. The combination of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline creates a powerful ally in one’s spiritual growth. While the Quartz can be an aid to those on the spiritual path, the Black Tourmaline can help keep one well-grounded, thus avoiding that out-of-touch sensation that can often result from being too focused on the higher pursuits. Black Tourmaline in Quartz can also help one to avoid picking up negative vibrations from the environment or other people, making it a great crystal for one’s pocket or purse. Tourmalated Quartz is loved by crystal healers for its energetic cleansing effect on the aura, and is great for energy healing sessions and grid work.
Chakras: Base, Cleanses All
Zodiac signs: Libra, Scorpio
Compassion, Deep Love, Comfort
Rhodochrosite represents selfless love and compassion. It is a wonderful stone to use when working with the Heart Chakra and relationships. Comforting and positive, Rhodochrosite helps to bring repressed emotions to the surface to be acknowledged, addressed, and released, allowing for much personal growth to take place.
Rhodochrosite aids in self-forgiveness and self-love. Rhodochrosite is also good for clearing the Base and Solar Plexus Chakras, improving self-worth, attracting love, and relieving emotional stress. Use Rhodochrosite in meditation to relax the diaphragm for full, deep breathing. Rhodochrosite can help those stuck in any phase of the grief process, by clearing out negative vibrations from the middle chakras. Meditating with Rhodochrosite can help one connect to the Divine, allowing one to see the purpose behind negative experiences. Many people work with Rhodochrosite to bring much needed Love into the world. This stone is often used for repairing the subtle bodies and for healing past issues. Rhodochrosite heals the heart, adjusts imbalances in the circulatory and nervous systems, relieves migraines, and clears up infections. Keep Rhodochrosite in the bedroom to help with sexual issues.
Chakras: Base, Solar Plexus, Heart
Zodiac signs: Leo, Scorpio
Love of Self/Others, Vitality, Support
Rhodonite helps to balance the emotions and calm impatience. Rhodonite is a very supportive stone that works with the Heart Chakra to attract love and ground negative energies. Rhodonite allows one to see areas in their life that can be improved on without criticizing or judging oneself.
Rhodonite is often used for rediscovering one’s inner gifts. Rhodonite can also help one to remember their soul-purpose, and facilitate living from the heart.
Rhodonite can assist one in discovering one’s true passion, encourages people to find ways to be of service to humanity and helps to draw in synchronization related to this goal. Rhodonite can enhance power in those who have truly altruistic intentions.
Rhodonite is believed to support detoxification and healing of the organs, especially the liver. Rhodonite is a good stone to help healing ailments of the heart, lungs, and nervous system, and is also used to reduce swelling and inflammation, stomach ulcers, emphysema, arthritis, inflammation of joints, MS, and hearing. Tumbled Rhodonite can also be used to stimulate the metabolism, and when feeling panicked and/or anxious.
Chakras: Heart, Base
Zodiac signs: Taurus
Protection, Strength, Spiritual Contact
Rhyolite will assist one in the laying down of burdens which no longer act to serve in one’s life. Using Rhyolite may help with healing old and deep emotional wounds. It is recommended for help with issues of self-esteem and emotional strength. Rhyolite aids in finding your expression in the wake of problems and anxieties. It helps to stimulate insight into solutions and alternatives.
Rhyolite is the perfect piece to carry when facing confrontation. It helps to eliminate procrastination and distractions.
It is an excellent tool to use when communicating with animals.
Rhyolite helps to boost the immune system and cleanse the kidneys and liver. Rhyolite keeps one from procrastinating and helps to move on with your life and live in the moment.
Chakras: Heart
Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini
Ruby Fuchsite
Protection, Spirit Communication, Detoxification
Ruby in Fuchsite merges the qualities of Ruby and Fuchsite for the perfect Heart Stone.
Ruby Fuchsite will help to clear any blockage of the Heart Chakra and fill the void with positive, loving energies.
Ruby Fuchsite helps one to maintain an awareness of individuality, while also completely connecting with humanity
as a whole. Use Ruby Fuchsite for transforming destructive, negative energies into positive, helpful ones.
Place Ruby Fuchsite on the Brow to help opening the Heart Chakra to receive information from the Brow Chakra.
It is helpful in deepening meditative states.
Ruby Fuchsite promotes physical vitality, recovery/relief from extended or chronic illness
and can be of assistance for strengthening the heart and blood flow/circulation issues.
A wonderful piece to keep close for those who have trouble going to sleep and/or staying asleep.
Chackras: Heart, Brow, Crown
Zodiac Signs: Aquarius
Ruby Zoisite
Learning, Individuality, Connectedness
Ruby in Zoisite is a combination of passion and patience. Ruby in Zoisite enhances psychic abilities
Ruby in Zoisite helps you to maintain your individuality while still being part of the world around you.
It keeps you from over-reacting to difficult situations and prevents mood swings.
Ruby in Zoisite transmutes negative energy into the positive. It is especially helpful during the grieving process,
allowing you to release that pain and sorrow and gain spiritual comfort while getting on with your life and
regaining that passion. It also enhances that passion into compassion for others who may be going through the same.
Ruby in Zoisite calms a racing heartbeat while maintaining the body’s equilibrium, especially during times of stress. It relieves inflammation and promotes strength in the immune system, heart, and lungs. Ruby in Zoisite can help heal problems associated with the reproductive organs and increase fertility, both in men and women. It is most helpful after a miscarriage or hysterectomy. Ruby in Zoisite is also beneficial in fighting bacterial infections.
Chakras: Crown, Heart
Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Aries
Selenite Desert Rose
Confidence, Perseverance, Protection
The Desert Rose is a form of gypsum that, when sand particles become embedded in it, forms rosette-like concretions. They are found in arid, desert regions, hence their name. (The properties of Selenite also apply)
Desert Roses are said to contain a spirit guardian, and each one is different. Because of this, they are useful as protective talismans and can increase your own self-confidence and self-worth. Those who are timid or shy, but have latent talents, can benefit from a Desert Rose. This is especially true for children/teens. Desert Rose helps to dissolve self imposed programs that need releasing. It can be used to strengthen affirmations of purpose. Use Desert Rose to increase creativity as well as psychic abilities. If you suffer from phobias, especially claustrophobia, keep a Desert Rose handy for its calming effects. It can help one to deal with grief and to let go of those things/emotions that have been keeping you from living your best life. Desert Rose can help with travel sickness, viral infections, nausea and disorders associated with the prostate.
Chakras: Base, Crown
Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus
Selenite Red
Creativity, Self-Image, Flexibility
Red Selenite enhances flexibility and creativity, both at home and in the workplace. It helps people work together and can be used to encourage children to help with chores and do their homework. Red Selenite helps one to have a better self-image. If you own a business, place a Red Selenite nearby to encourage people to buy.
Red Selenite has all the properties of White Selenite, connecting even more strongly to the physical body and has a strong spiritual connection. This crystal has been known to be an extraordinary healer and using Red and White Selenite together offers the benefits of both crystals.
Selenite is used for good luck and protection. The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Selenite can also be used to strengthen the memory.
Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. Selenite helps one connect with the Divine and Higher Self.
Selenite calms and soothes, bringing a deep peace and sense of tranquility. Use Selenite in your home to create a safe and peaceful space. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind any problem. Promotes flexibility.
Selenite removes energy blockages from physical and etheric bodies. It can reverse the effects of “free radicals” to heal and repair on the cellular level. Selenite is associated with the spine and the skeletal system. Selenite can be used to mitigate problems with Mercury fillings in dental work. Selenite is also good for breast feeding. May help with epileptic seizures.
Selenite should be kept dry do not clean with water.
Chakras: Sacral, Crown, Higher Crown
Zodiac signs: Taurus, Cancer
Selenite White
Divine, Spiritual Connection, Highest Vibration
Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. The powerful energies of Selenite help one connect with the Divine and Higher Self. Selenite can be held or placed around a person to facilitate such a connection.
Selenite calms and soothes, bringing a deep peace and sense of tranquility. Use Selenite around your home to create a safe and peaceful space. Selenite brings mental clarity, clearing confusion and revealing the bigger picture behind any problem.
Selenite is used for good luck and protection. The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Selenite can also be used to strengthen the memory. Promotes flexibility.
Selenite removes energy blockages from physical and etheric bodies. It can reverse the effects of “free radicals” to heal and repair on the cellular level. Selenite is associated with the spine and the skeletal system. Selenite can be used to mitigate problems with Mercury fillings in dental work. Selenite is also good for breast feeding. May help with epileptic seizures.
Selenite should be kept dry do not clean with water.
Chakras: Crown, Higher Crown
Zodiac signs: Taurus
Confidence, Patience, Strength
Septarian nodules are unique in that they were formed as a result of volcanic eruptions and attracted dead sea life chemically bonding them to the sediment and forming mud balls. They are composed of Calcite, which makes up the yellow centres and Aragonite which are the brown lines. The outer grey rock is Limestone.
The name Septarian comes from the Latin word “septum” meaning seven, or “saeptum” which means a wall or enclosure. As the balls dried they shrank inside and had a tendency to create a distinctive pattern of 7 points in every direction.
Septarian (also called Dragon Stone) is a wonderful stone to wear or carry with you if you speak in public, as it gives you confidence and allows you to gain an audience’s attention. A grounding stone, Septarian allows for better tolerance and patience, as well as emotional flexibility. It can gauge the underlying cause of an illness when meditated upon, and focuses the body into healing itself. Septarian can absorb your energy when held over a period of time and transmits that energy into strength when needed.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac signs: Taurus
Ascension, Divine Energy
Seraphinite is a stone of light energy, pulling higher vibrations into the subtle bodies, making it an important stone for those working on the ascension process. Seraphinite can infuse each of the chakras with divine energies. Seraphinite can be uplifting for those experiencing a reactional depression. Working with Seraphinite during meditation can help those who lack purpose to discover their place in the universe.
Seraphinite clears blockages in the chakras and enhances the aura, and it can have beneficial effects for both the wearer and the person nearby. Seraphinite also makes a great crystal to keep in the home, office, or even the car, where it can emit its protective, angelic energies out into the environment. Seraphinite can be used by experienced, spiritual adepts to raise the Kundalini energies up along the spinal column.
Seraphinite is well-known as a superb healing crystal, offering balance and strength where these qualities are lacking. Seraphinite has the ability to bring light energy into the DNA, for accelerated healing. Its ability to focus on the Heart and Crown Chakras adds to its healing effects in these regions of the body.
Seraphinite can aid with the delivery and assimilation of vitamins and minerals in the various organs of the body. Seraphinite also can enhance weight loss and the detoxification process. Use Seraphinite when warding off the chills or for fighting an infection.
Chakras: Heart, Crown, Higher Crown
Zodiac signs: Sagittarius
Shiva Lingham
Cleansing, Meditation, Insight
Found only in the Narmada River in India, Narmada Shiva Lingams are a variety of cryptocrystalline quartz that is oval in shape and contains earthy hues, usually two-toned. In ancient Sanskrit, Shiva Lingam means a “sign” or “symbol”. These Lingams are gathered once a year in a special ceremony and then polished by hand.The shape of the Shiva Lingam makes it a powerful energy generator appropriate for healing a unique tool for meditation and cleansing. The natural shaping and polishing process forms a very balanced ritual object that combines both masculine and feminine attributes, providing a unified vibration.
The Shiva Lingam is a stone of insight, allowing the user to recognize and let go of things (feelings, emotions, etc.) that no longer serve or have been outgrown. The lingam represents the centre axis of life, connecting earth with universe.
Lingam is symbolic of the Divine Creative Manifestation. The Lingam shape is representative of the power of Shiva, the Lord of Creation, and the masculine creative energy. The markings, also known as the yoni, symbolize the feminine energy, the seed which is fertilized to manifest the creative power in the dance of the cosmos. Geologists theorize that the iron oxide, of which the yoni is composed, was impregnated in the river bed millions of years ago by a meteorite.
Chakras: All
Zodiac signs: Scorpio
Intuition, Focuses Energy, Guidance
Sodalite encourages being true to self and standing up for your beliefs. A stone of self-expression and confidence, Sodalite can aid in issues of self-worth, self-acceptance, and self-esteem. Sodalite promotes intuition and a trust in one’s own judgment. Sodalite helps to achieve emotional balance, releasing old conditioning and programming of the past which no longer serves.
A stone of awakening, Sodalite stimulates the Pineal Gland and the Third Eye, and deepens meditation. Sodalite is helpful for those who find themselves to be over-emotional, it will allow one to use more logic and intuition. Sodalite helps to enhance psychic abilities while discouraging any obsession about such abilities.
Sodalite encourages discipline and will in one’s personal and public lives, and can be a facilitator of career advancement when used in this manner. Sodalite can help one to find efficient ways of dealing with daily tasks and problems.
Sodalite helps guide one on their spiritual path and to become aware of the patterns that can occur over the course of one’s life, their meanings and purposes.
Sodalite can ease anxiety and panic attacks, mental confusion, and fear/phobias. Use Sodalite to strengthen the immune system, ease insomnia, throat, digestive disorders, fevers, and balance metabolism. Helps with calcium deficiencies.
Place Sodalite next to your computer to help clear electromagnetic pollution.
Chakras: Throat, Brow
Zodiac signs: Sagittarius
Formed by blue-green algae up to 3.5 billion years ago, Stromatolites are the oldest microfossil.
Cyanobacteria are among the oldest forms of life on Earth and formed colonies that built up in a similar way to coral reefs. These colonies have fossilised and become part of sedimentary rock, creating the beautiful patterns seen in stromatolite rock. These fossils hold the energies of the earliest evolution of life on this planet.
Stromatolite is believed to be helpful in relieving stress, physical and emotional, and re-establishing flow in body fluids. Use them to ecourage steadfast persistence, stability, connection to the essence of life, resilience and versatility.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo
Eases Emotions, Releases Anger, Detoxifies
Volcanic in origin, Sulphur carries a negative charge, and it detoxifies and absorbs negativity, making it a natural choice for use with the Solar Plexus Chakra. Sulphur helps those with a propensity for negativity to discover the root causes behind such feelings and to find appropriate ways of releasing this energy in a productive manner. Sulphur is good for people who have anger management issues and negative outbursts.
Sulphur allows people to get in touch with the inner self, to discover a higher purpose, while blocking any old repeating behaviours that no longer serve this purpose. Sulphur can soften a hard line attitude, allowing one to become more flexible with the natural cycles of life. This action can tune one into the right frequencies for allowing inner peace to pervade in one’s life experience.
Sulphur can be used to help heal infections, fevers, joint pain and swelling, skin issues, colds, and exhaustion.
Caution: Sulphur is toxic – do not put in water or near a heat source. Wash hands thoroughly and keep away from pets/children.
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Zodiac signs: Leo
Joy, Vitality, Empowerment
Sunstone is a gem variety of the Feldspar Family that has schiller (flash) similar to Labradorite. Sunstone is an orange to brown stone containing small hematite crystals that give it an additional sparkle and fire.
Sunstone brings light to all situations, and carrying a piece around with you can help your personal power to “shine”. Once known as a stone of good luck, Sunstone has a bright, joyful energy that increases vitality and lightens dark moods.
Sunstone helps empower those who feel persecuted or abandoned by others, instilling confidence and optimism and encouraging motivation and positive action. Sunstone is also useful in removing energy draining ties or “hooks” into your energy by other people.
Sunstone is a great stone for the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, but can clear and energize all Chakras.
Sunstone can aid in depression and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) as well as assisting with aches, pains, chronic sore throat, and sexual issues.
Chakras: Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Zodiac signs: Leo, Libra
Tiger Eye Blue
Soothing, Emotional Balance, Clarity
Blue Tiger Eye is a very soothing stone as it aids in reducing stress, increasing calm and easing anxiety. Shimmery Blue Tiger Eye can illuminate issues that may have been difficult to see otherwise. Blue Tiger Eye helps to open, clear and align the mid to higher range chakras, which will assist in speaking with clarity and acting from a place of integrity.
Blue Tiger Eye works extremely well with the Throat and Brow chakras, providing insight into internal conflicts and emotional or mental issues. Facilitates a “go with the flow” attitude, aiding in relief from fears, phobias and hot tempers. Use Blue Tiger Eye to balance the male/female energies. Use Blue Tiger Eye to increase all forms of psychic abilities.
If you are nervous about giving a presentation or speaking in public, keeping a piece of Tumbled Blue Tiger Eye in your pocket can help relax your Throat Chakra, clear any blockages, and form a strong connection with the Brow Chakra, allowing for easier access to the intuition. It enables one to expand their horizons, often leading to better opportunities.
Blue Tiger Eye is especially helpful to ease one’s fear of flying. It encourages emotional balance, aids in fatigue and depression, cools an overactive sex drive, and heals on a metabolic level. It can also alleviate eye problems that deal with the inability to focus.
Chakras: Throat, Brow
Zodiac signs: Leo, Capricorn
Tiger Eye Golden
Protection, Creativity, Balance
Golden Tiger Eye brings brightness and optimism to a situation, and shines insight onto problems. Known as a stone of protection, especially for travelers, Golden Tiger Eye brings good luck and prosperity to the user. Ancients used Tiger Eye as a talisman against bad luck and curses. Tiger Eye attracts abundance and can also stimulate the rise of Kundalini energies. Tiger Eye is a must for anyone’s healing kit.
Golden Tiger Eye is a powerful Solar Plexus Chakra stone, helpful to manifest ideas into reality and giving courage in times of change. Use Golden Tiger Eye with the Solar Plexus Chakra to increase your personal power. Tiger Eye enhances psychic abilities and balances the lower Chakras. Earthy people will find success increasing their psychic abilities using Tiger Eye when working with the Third Eye Chakra. Use Golden Tiger Eye with the Sacral Chakra to bring spiritual grounding.
You can carry Golden Tiger Eye in your pocket when you need a boost of creative energy, or when dealing with issues involving power, will, control, and/or concentration. Golden Tiger Eye can provide balance to those experiencing extremes, and as such, can be helpful to those with manic depression, or bipolar disorder.
A common method of using intention to attract prosperity is surrounding a lit green candle with Golden Tiger Eye. While all forms of Tiger Eye help to raise vibrations, Golden Tiger Eye will also connect these energies to the lower Chakras in balance, keeping one from feeling disconnected when working with higher goals.
Tiger Eye offers strength and vitality, and can encourage the proper function of the endocrine system.
Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Brow
Zodiac signs: Leo, Capricorn
Protection, Grounding, Calming
Black Tourmaline is a protective stone which repels and blocks negative energies and psychic attack. Black Tourmaline also aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or a space. Black Tourmaline will cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration.
A popular metaphysical stone, Black Tourmaline is also great for grounding. It balances, harmonizes, and protects all of the Chakras. Use Black Tourmaline to protect against electromagnetic “smog” (i.e. cell phones, computers, etc), radiation, noise sensitivity and other such disturbances. Black Tourmaline can be used as an aid to remove fear and boost self-confidence.
Black Tourmaline has a calming effect when needed, grounding flighty or scattered energies into the earth. Those who face challenges from negativity, frequent worrying, and/or OCD can work with Black Tourmaline to help heal these issues. Carry a piece of Black Tourmaline in your pocket to increase physical vitality throughout your day. Meditation with Black Tourmaline can enhance the integration of insights and visions into one’s daily life.
Black Tourmaline helps to strengthen the immune system, balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and detoxify the body. Black Tourmaline is very helpful when dealing with illnesses of the lungs such as bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia and Pleurisy. Black Tourmaline is a must for any medicine bag and is great for body layouts.
Chakras: Base
Zodiac signs: Capricorn
Balance, Release, Spiritual Insight
Unakite is an altered Granite consisting primarily of pink Orthoclase Feldspar, Clear Quartz and green Epidote.
Unakite balances the emotional and spiritual bodies, and provides gentle release of energetic blockages. It helps us to move on from outmoded beliefs from the past.
A stone of vision, Unakite can open and activate the Third Eye Chakra to receive spiritual insights from higher realms. Unakite’s grounding effect can bring a calming influence to any environment, and is great for the workplace or the home, sending out peaceful vibes to all those nearby.
Unakite is said to be good for the reproductive system, for healthy pregnancies, and for the healthy development of unborn babies. Unakite can also protect against electromagnetic pollution from computers or cell phones. Unakite is also used during recovery from trauma or major illnesses, helping the cells to “remember” the state of perfect health.
Chakras: Heart, Higher Heart, Brow
Zodiac signs: Scorpio
Crystal Properties Statements
The crystal properties statements on this web site are intended to give you a general idea of the metaphysical properties of each crystal stone and assist you in selecting a crystal type to purchase.
The statements are condensed or para-phrased from a wide range of third-party sources and are intended to represent an overall opinion or viewpoint put forth by various metaphysical researchers. In NO way should the properties statements be considered a replacement for advice or treatment from medical professionals or other professional health care providers.
By using this site and reading the statements you agree that Empress of Om, LLC., assumes no liability whatsoever for any consequences, real or assumed, due to the use or misuse of any of the information found in the properties statements.
You also agree that Empress of OM, LLC., assumes no liability whatsoever for any consequences arising due to you relying on the properties of any given crystal in place of advice or treatment from a healthcare professional.
The statements are condensed or para-phrased from a wide range of third-party sources and are intended to represent an overall opinion or viewpoint put forth by various metaphysical researchers. In NO way should the properties statements be considered a replacement for advice or medical treatment from medical professionals or other professional health care providers.
By using this site and reading the statements you agree that Empress of Om, LLC., Empress of Om store, and Toshia Shaw assumes no liability whatsoever for any consequences, real or assumed, due to the use or misuse of any of the information found in the properties statements.
You also agree that Empress of Om, LLC., Empress of Om store, and Toshia Shaw assumes no liability whatsoever for any consequences arising due to you relying on the properties of any given crystal in place of advice or treatment from a healthcare professional.