In Sanskrit, chakra translates to wheel or disk. Our chakras are wheels of energy throughout the body, according to Hinduism and other traditions. The seven main chakras align with the spine from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each chakra or energy center vibrates at an ideal frequency when it is in balance and alignment. This is a concrete, measurable pattern of electromagnetic activity. Sometimes chakras lose their alignment, shift their frequency, and fail to flow in balance.
Tuning forks are a powerful tool for restoring chakra alignment. Placing a suitably tuned vibrating fork's handle on a chakra initiates sound frequencies that stimulate the body to adjust its frequencies and return to alignment. The vibrations recharge and rebalance the electromagnetic field of the body, and re-establish the flow of Chi. This phenomenon is similar to striking a tone from a musical tuning fork, which will make nearby tuning forks vibrate in harmony to the sound waves it emits.
Our sets of Chakra Tuning Forks will help you get in touch with the subtle energy of the body's Chakra System. With practice, you’ll cultivate acute sensitivity to subtle physical sensations and accompanying energy shifts, which helps you improve your general energetic awareness.
Material: aluminium alloy
quantity: 8pcs/set -one box
frequency: 256Hz, 288Hz, 320Hz, 341.3Hz, 384Hz, 426.6Hz, 480 Hz, 512Hz
Case Included